7 good habits to raise the immune system

Stress, a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet cause our immune system to weaken making us more vulnerable and exposed to the flu but also to small discomforts such as herpes or candida.
To raise the immune defenses, a few simple daily gestures are enough that we cannot do without, once we have introduced them into our routine. Sleeping well, eating healthy, exercising and drinking water are simple and effective activities.
Here are 7 good habits to adopt immediately and every day, to avoid the risk of getting sick all year round!

1. Drink water (more)!

We know, it's trivial advice. But only for those who already have the habit of drinking a lot. Many people, however, forget to drink water, it seems impossible but in reality it is a very widespread problem.
Drinking water allows us to stay hydrated which is the basis of being healthy (but also more beautiful).
There are devices on the market that remind us when to drink. You put them on the bottle and when some time has passed since the last sip, they ring! They can be found on Amazon for around € 15.

See also

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2. Eat healthy every day

It does not mean "being on a perennial diet". On the contrary! If we eat fresh foods rich in beneficial properties every day, we can avoid ailments in the first place but we can also indulge in a cheat, a less healthy snack and a drink when we feel like it. This is because our body needs to nourish itself appropriately every day, with a certain consistency and not only during the diet and detox periods.
In short, let's have breakfast properly and eat vegetables, so we can eat an extra dessert without feeling guilty!

3. Supplements and probiotics: few but good

Supplements yes or no? Yes! But that's not to say that if we eat junk and have a super stressful lifestyle, it will help us feel at the top.
Supplements only work if we are careful about everything else, they certainly don't do magic!
Better those of natural origin, in any case, such as magnesium which helps us to concentrate, fights muscle pain and helps metabolism.
And then there are the good bacteria, the famous probiotics, which help us regulate intestinal activity, avoiding stomach problems but also candida.

> Supreme Magnesium powder on Amazon for around € 15
> Two jars of 60 probiotic capsules on Amazon for around € 16

4. Be careful where you put your hands!

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All the teachings received as children are useless! Many adults not only do not wash their hands after visiting the bathroom (please do so) but they touch everything they see: on vehicles, in shops, in supermarkets. And then they put their hands in their mouth or face and they get sick (or they get full of pimples).
It is essential to wash your hands after going to the bathroom, after handling money, after being away from home or cuddling an animal. It is equally essential to wash them before cooking, touching dishes, sheets, towels, changing the sanitary napkin and above all Before having sex It's okay to be overwhelmed by passion but if you've had a great night out, it's not a good idea to tinker with dirty hands in other people's underwear.

Another tip: clean your cell phone more often, with lens and screen wipes (like these from Zeiss, on Amazon)

5. A minimum of physical activity

Training, moving or simply walking makes us more resistant. Physical activity not only improves the appearance of our body but is good for health. Sweating, striving, putting ourselves to the test are ways to feel better both physically and with the mind.Physical activity also helps us to get in touch with ourselves and learn to listen to ourselves.

See also: Stronger and more beautiful! 10 tips to strengthen your immune system

6. Cover up, but not too much!

Let's resign ourselves: autumn and winter are cold months!
It's fine to cover your head, throat and dress appropriately but let's avoid firing the heat at home and at work. First of all it hurts the environment and the bill. And then it makes us 10 times more exposed to the cold, which increases the probability of getting sick! We try, at least at home and in bed, to lighten the clothing, so that the coats do their own duty to the outside!

7. Sweet dreams

This is a habit that is as precious as it is pleasant: sleep a lot and well.
First, let's make sure you have clean linens and comfortable pillows and mattresses (it's a small investment to benefit from for a long time). We avoid eating too much at dinner but also eating too little, otherwise we risk not being able to fall asleep. Last, but not least, off the screens. No tablet, TV and cell phone in bed, because our brain struggles to understand when it's time to sleep if we are surrounded by light sources. Better a good book!
Sleeping well from 6 to 8 hours a night allows us to wake up more energetic and get used to the routine earlier. Stress and fatigue are the number one enemies of health.

> Ergonomic anti-mite pillows on Amazon

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