5 miraculous benefits of water and lemon!

Drinking lemon water has a truly miraculous effect on our body. The benefits of lemon have been known since ancient times: it has a very strong antibacterial power, is an anti-inflammatory, helps digestion and purification and much more. It contains a lot of vitamin C, citric acid, calcium and magnesium, as well as bioflavonoids, pectin and limonene: all very useful substances for our body.

Drinking lemon water every morning can help us feel better in many ways. Just heat up some water, preferably purified. Do not boil it, it must be simply lukewarm so that the body can better assimilate the nutrients. Then choose fresh lemons, even better if organic. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and pour it into your own. lukewarm water. I recommend: drink it on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before having breakfast and let it act ... Here are the 5 miraculous effects you will get with this truly magical drink:

1. Benefits of water and lemon: helps digest

Drinking lemon water is very useful for helping our digestion. The chemical composition of lemon, in fact, is similar to that of saliva and has the ability to stimulate the production of bile by the liver, necessary for digestion.

With its mineral salts and vitamins, lemon helps eliminate all toxins and waste substances from the digestive tract, relieving the symptoms of indigestion, from bloating to heartburn. It is no coincidence that drinking water is recommended. and lemon to stimulate bowel movements.

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2. Drinking lemon water in the morning helps cleanse

Among the benefits of "lemon water" is that of producing a purifying and diuretic effect: it helps the body get rid of toxins and stimulates diuresis. The whole urinary tract will benefit from this drink, which ensures that it is in excellent condition.

The citric acid contained in lemon, then, helps to improve the functioning of the enzymes that stimulate the liver, thus providing a detoxifying effect for the whole organism.

3. Lemon water to strengthen the immune system

If there is one thing that lemon just doesn't miss, it is vitamin C. And there is nothing more useful than vitamin C to fight and prevent colds, flu and all seasonal ailments. lemon is therefore very useful to provide for the defense and strengthening of our immune system. Ascorbic acid will reduce respiratory problems, decrease the production of mucus and will also be useful in case of asthma.

In the lemon, then, there is a lot of potassium, useful for the nerves and to stimulate the brain, as well as to control blood pressure. And here are some other cold-fighting superfoods, including our beloved citrus fruits:

4. Among the benefits of drinking lemon water: it purifies our skin

Drinking lemon water also makes us beautiful. This is because this miraculous drink has the power to purify and make our skin more radiant. Lemon is a powerful antioxidant: it helps to counteract the formation of wrinkles, to make blemishes disappear from the skin and to fight free radicals.

Furthermore, lemon, due to its alkaline properties, is a real cure-all against acne. And then, helping us to purify ourselves from the inside as we have seen in the previous points, it also improves the external appearance of our skin, reducing all its defects and making us look younger.

5. Drinking lemon water makes you lose weight

If you are wondering if lemon water can also be useful for weight loss, the answer is yes! Drinking lemon water can stimulate weight loss, for several reasons. First of all, lemons contain a lot of pectin, a substance that helps control hunger.

Secondly, lemon is very exploited by alkalizing diets, very functional for losing weight quickly. It is a food that, in addition to purifying and detoxifying us, is capable of giving a nice boost to our metabolism. Do you want to discover other useful foods for weight loss? Here they are:

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