Does quitting smoking make you fat? How to do it without losing the line

But does quitting smoking really make you fat? The answer, theoretically, is yes, but if you've just decided to quit (good for you!), Don't panic right away and follow our tips on how to quit smoking without losing your fit: with a little commitment. you can do it!

Before discovering together what are the rules to follow in order not to gain weight after putting cigarettes aside, let's take a look at the many benefits that quitting smoking can bring us. Find out in the video below.

Why does quitting smoking make you fat?

Quitting smoking makes you fat for several reasons. First of all, smoking burns calories: smoking a pack of cigarettes burns about 250 Kcal, as many as are consumed in 20 minutes of swimming or 30 minutes of brisk walking. Smoking accelerates the basic metabolism, that is the energy consumption of the body in a resting situation, and favors the consumption of fat reserves.

A second reason why quitting smoking makes you fat is that smoking takes away the appetite. Nicotine reduces the feeling of hunger, because it increases the blood sugar level. Furthermore, smoking leads to a progressive loss of taste and smell. , inevitably leading to less pleasure in eating. In short, those who smoke lose weight because they simply tend to eat less.

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Furthermore, cigarettes work as a kind of anxiolytic: smoking has a calming effect and helps to dilute stress. Nicotine, by increasing the level of serotonin in the body, has an antidepressant function, while the same ritual of taking the cigarette to the mouth to inhale the smoke, repeated many times, creates a somewhat reassuring addiction. In this way we end up less relieving anxiety with food, as often happens.

But be careful: these, which appear to be advantages, are actually the downside of devastating consequences for our body: we all know very well now that "smoking kills", and that's not a way of saying! its side effects range from bad breath, yellow teeth and pimples, to more serious cardiovascular disease and cancer. Isn't it better to keep a couple of extra pounds than damage your health?

What Happens When You Quit Smoking?

When we stop smoking, the body regains its natural metabolism and, consequently, burns fewer calories. At the same time, the sense of taste and smell return, and with them the appetite! Nicotine stops working as a anti-stress and thus the ritual gestures that accompany smoking, and it is easier to throw oneself on food as a means of compensation ...

Hunger and the need to calm nervousness with foods that increase the serotonin level (first of all chocolate and sugars) are inevitable. And so yes: quitting smoking inevitably leads to gaining weight. The numbers speak for themselves: women who quit smoking gain an average of 2.8 kg and men 3.8 kg. On average, the weight gain is 2-4 kg.

Not for everyone, however, it works the same way: there are also people who quit smoking without losing their shape! And in any case, the benefits obtained by putting aside smoking (the beauty of the skin, health, but also the wallet!) Are incomparable with the increase of one or two kilos.

How to quit smoking without gaining weight?

And here are some practical tips for quitting smoking without gaining weight:

  • Relying on a professionalQuitting smoking without gaining weight will be easier if you can avoid the risk of nicotine withdrawal. Seek advice from a doctor, dietician, or specialist smoking cessation center.
  • Choosing the right time to quit: willingness and positivity are essential to be able to quit smoking. Therefore, avoid doing it in moments of particular stress (a change of job, a move, a separation ...) and it will be easier for you not to resort to food to compensate for nervousness.
  • Prepare the ground: do away with ashtrays, lighters and everything that makes you want to smoke, but also sweets, cookies and junk food ... Arm yourself instead of mint tablets, toothbrush and toothpaste, water and apples!
  • Do not skip meals: as your metabolism increases, after quitting smoking, you will be hungrier than usual. Eating at regular intervals (3 full meals and 2 snacks) will help you keep hunger under control and not binge!
  • Take care of your diet: for lunch, you prefer flour rich in fiber and carbohydrates, whose energy spreads slowly in the body, causing an immediate feeling of satiety and avoiding the hole in the stomach after a few hours. So choose a pasta or wholemeal bread, to be served with vegetables, avoiding dairy products. For dinner, instead, choose a protein meal such as grilled fish or white meat with a side of vegetables. For snacks, on the other hand, focus on fruit or a yogurt with honey. In general, aim for a diet that speeds up your metabolism.
  • Drink a lot of water: it may seem trivial, but it is very important to purify yourself, eliminate water retention, toxins, and even deceive hunger! You can also focus on hot drinks such as tea or infusions, avoiding carbonated drinks or drinks with sweeteners.
  • Create a new ritual: a ritual that replaces that of the cigarette and gives you the same pleasure. A square of dark chocolate with coffee? A (sugar-free) chewing gum every time you feel like smoking? Brush your teeth after every meal? Munching on raw carrots? The choice is yours, as long as it is light!
  • Do a lot of physical activity: By practicing a sport on a regular basis you will be able to obtain a double advantage. On the one hand you will burn a lot of calories, on the other hand you will also be able to eliminate some stress. If you think you don't have enough time, try these exercises that you can do safely at home, for example while watching TV ...

Finally, if you want to quit smoking and need advice and some encouragement, you can check out the discussions on the topic on our forum.

Tags:  Properly Women-Of-Today Actuality