4 tips to strengthen your body and look great!

"Mens sana in corpore sano", the ancients said, and it couldn't be more true! The well-being of the body and that of the mind are closely linked. A strong and healthy body allows us to live well, to feel in balance and in harmony with ourselves.

How to strengthen your body to feel great? Here are 4 basic, simple but important tips that will help you live at the top!

1. Get regular physical activity!

Performing physical activity on a regular basis is essential for our psycho-physical well-being. Science affirms it loud and clear: physical exercise promotes a healthy lifestyle, bringing countless benefits! It is not necessary to wear yourself out every day in the gym for hours and hours: the important thing is to exercise, even if moderate, in a regular and continuous.

Physical exercise strengthens our body, preventing the onset of pathologies linked to metabolism, cardiovascular, neoplastic, arthrosis. Helps reduce pressure in the arteries, regulate cholesterol and blood sugar level. But it is not only our body that is strengthened, also our psyche: physical activity gives us a 360 ° well-being, reducing anxiety, stress, depression, helping us to socialize and feel more at ease with ourselves.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 60 minutes a day of moderate activity and, for 3 days a week, of actual sporting activity for the age group between 5 and 17 years of age. For the 18-64 age group, however, at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week or 75 of vigorous activity are required. Finally, from the age of 65 upwards, the indications are the same as for adults, but with the warning to carry out activities aimed at balance to prevent falls.

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2. Take care of your nutrition!

To strengthen your body and feel good it is very important to take care of your diet. Following a healthy, varied and balanced diet, rich in foods that naturally help your body to be in balance and to function at its best is the golden rule of well-being.

A "healthy and balanced diet" must be rich in cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruit. These are foods rich in starch, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients essential for health. A diet rich in these foods prevents the onset of diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory diseases.

The fat intake must be moderate: you prefer the use of non-stick pans, steam cooking or other types of cooking; limits the use of animal fats by preferring extra virgin olive oil or seed oil; do not exceed in fried food. It also moderates the consumption of sugars and, in particular, sucrose.

The use of salt should also be reduced in order not to favor the onset of problems in the cardio-vascular system. Recommended daily consumption should not exceed 6 g per day.

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3. Get Vitamin D!

Taking vitamin D especially in winter, when our body is not exposed to the sun enough to be able to produce an adequate amount by itself, is essential for our health and well-being. The Association of Endocrinologists Doctors (AME) has clearly expressed itself about the need for vitamin D supplementation in cases where there is a deficit in the body, ie when plasma levels are lower than 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25 (OH) D).

Below this threshold, in fact, the onset of pathologies such as secondary hyperparathyroidism, osteomalacia and osteoporosis increases, as well as the possibility of suffering from muscle weakness and ataxia and the increased risk of falls and fractures.

Dietary sources of vitamin D are cod liver oil in the first place, followed by fatty fish such as mackerel, eel, herring, carp, salmon, sturgeon, trout. Less rich, but not to be overlooked, are egg yolk and some mushrooms, while in meats and cheeses, vitamin D is almost absent. Dairy products, however, (especially milk and yogurt), breakfast cereals, spreadable margarines, orange juice and soy-based drinks are the foods that are best suited to be fortified according to the indications of the " TO ME.

In Italy, the diet of an adult provides on average about 7.5 mcg / day (300 I.U.) of Vitamin D; endocrinologists therefore emphasize that in the winter months, when exposure to sunlight is modest and the intensity of UV is largely inadequate, to compensate for deficits and deficiencies it is necessary to increase the intake of vitamin D.

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4. Always remember to hydrate yourself!

Our body is largely made up of water and needs this liquid to be able to keep itself alive. Drinking plenty of water every day is essential for carrying out all the physical and chemical processes of our body, from the transport of nutrients to their absorption, from the regulation of body temperature to the elimination of waste and much more.

To strengthen your body, don't forget to drink 2 liters of water a day, trying not to simply satisfy the sense of thirst, but to prevent it! Better to drink frequently, but in small quantities and slowly, especially if the water is cold.

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