How to cure acne: all the remedies to fight it

Fighting acne is a challenge that not only affects teenagers, but also many adult women. Learning how to treat it, with a little prevention and some tricks, can help us feel more comfortable and healthy.

But what is acne? The skin produces sebum to create a film of fat that protects it from numerous external aggressions. When the secretion is too abundant, the excess sebum clogs the pilosebaceous follicles (pores) causing bacterial development responsible for the appearance of comedones (blackheads) and white microcysts (pimples).

Pimples and blackheads generally appear on the chin, around the mouth, forehead and nose. Their appearance, if no longer linked to hormonal imbalances typical of adolescence, may instead be due to the premenstrual period or the use of unsuitable contraceptives.

Acne, in fact, is increasingly common among adult women. The origin of this skin discomfort can be: smoke, stress, fatigue, pollution, but also an exaggerated use of cosmetic products. Discover now with us the most effective remedies to fight it at any age.

1. Fight acne with preventive hygiene

Daily facial hygiene is essential to fight acne. Washing the face at least twice a day removes the excess sebum that causes the pimples to come out: the pores, once purified, avoid inflammation. However, care must be taken not to rub the face too hard, to avoid irritation.

The face should be washed completely as soon as you wake up and before going to sleep. If you do sports, eliminate toxins by washing immediately afterwards, especially the area of ​​the forehead that tends to sweat more.

Choosing a suitable detergent is essential: avoid oily products and choose a special mild soap.

See also

Natural remedies for acne: here are the most effective

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2. Do a scrub regularly

How to fight acne? But with a scrub! Doing a scrub on a regular basis (two or three times a week, no more!) Can help you keep the face clean in its deepest layer. The exfoliation of the skin, in fact , allows you to remove dead cells, eliminating blackheads and freeing clogged pores.

To make a scrub you can use a comfortable exfoliating sponge to always use wet and on damp skin, adding a special cleanser. Practice a circular massage on the whole face using the sponge and then remember to sanitize it after use (just wash it with hydrogen peroxide)

You can make your own 100% natural scrub yourself, using one teaspoon of silicon powder, one teaspoon of sweet almond oil and five drops of lime essential oil, as shown in the video below. Mix everything and use the mixture to gently massage your face.

3. Use specific products to treat acne

To treat acne, it is always advisable to use specific products. Make-up, face creams or cleansers may contain irritating ingredients for a skin that suffers from acne: in fact, all oil-based ones should be avoided (pay particular attention to foundations!) and moisturizing products that contain fat (always check that your cream is water-based, does not contain comedogen and has a neutral pH so as not to clog pores).

There are also specific products to combat acne specially designed for adulthood. The Dermatologica brand has created MediBac Clearing®, a line that offers a multi-layered approach to tackling adult acne, without those aggressive ingredients that are often associated with treating this blemish.

4. Get prescribed drug treatments

The pharmaceutical products suitable for treating acne are numerous and it is always better to consult a good dermatologist to be directed towards the most suitable choice for us. Among the active ingredients most present in these drugs we find benzoyl peroxide, capable of annihilating bacteria. and open the pores. The gels and lotions that contain it should be spread on the face after a correct cleansing and it is always good to increase the dose and number of applications gradually. The improvement, generally, takes place within a month: be patient if you do not immediately see the desired results!

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as lactic and glycolic acids are also used to treat acne, usually by peeling. The acid has a deep exfoliating effect that frees the skin from breakouts. These products should be used daily.

Retinoids, on the other hand, are medicines derived from vitamin A that controls cell growth and reduces inflammation, preventing bacteria from proliferating on the skin. These are very exfoliating products, which require (especially at the beginning) to avoid the " sun exposure Most can only be ordered by prescription.

Even in the case of an antibiotic treatment, the doctor must suggest it. Your dermatologist will be able to tell you if it is appropriate to take a course with an antibiotic cream in combination with other products in order to completely eliminate the bacteria. An oral antibiotic, on the other hand. , it is prescribed only in cases of very severe acne.

5. Fight acne with natural remedies

Various remedies can come from nature that are useful for treating acne, or in any case to be combined with a drug treatment to combat it in the best possible way.

Among the plants with the most effective purifying and anti-inflammatory effect, to be consumed in the form of herbal tea, we find burdock, dandelion or pansy. To regulate hormonal changes, on the other hand, thyme, calendula and fennel are indicated, especially useful if acne tends to appear in the pre-cycle period.

If, on the other hand, acne is a consequence of stress for you, try taking herbs with a calming effect, such as chamomile, valerian or lemon balm.

An excellent disinfectant effect instead characterizes the action of the clay, an ingredient in many face masks. For an effective and equally disinfectant pack you can also use essential oils such as lemon, sage, myrtle or bergamot.

6. Take care of your diet

A healthy and balanced diet is essential to fight acne and prevent its onset. Foods that are difficult to digest should be completely avoided: therefore, no to fried foods and foods rich in fat (how many times have you seen pimples appear on your face after overdoing the chips?).

Foods with a high glycemic index, sugary drinks and all products made with processed white flour should also be avoided. Finally, to combat acne, try to avoid eating too much salt.

What to eat then to help skin health? First of all, lots of fruit and vegetables: vitamins have exceptional antioxidant power. Get minerals, fiber and proteins. Lactic ferments can also help rebalance the intestine, whose problems are closely linked to the onset of acne. Below you will find foods particularly suitable for improving the health and appearance of the skin of the face:

See also: Foods that are good for your skin: how to improve your facial skin by eating!

© iStock Foods that are good for the skin

7. Adopt good habits and specific measures

Finally, to fight acne, you should adopt a series of precautions and good daily habits. Let's start with hydration: drinking at least 2 liters of water a day is essential to keep the skin clean from the inside!

Remember to choose, as already mentioned, non-aggressive make-up, and in any case not to exceed in its use. Always remove make-up in the evening before going to sleep to let your skin breathe.

Avoid touching your face and, above all, bursting pimples: it is a bad habit that only aggravates the blemish by spreading it like wildfire in the surrounding areas!

If you are using drug treatments, avoid sun exposure and be careful not to apply creams to delicate areas such as eyes, lips and mucous membranes.

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