DIY anti-cellulite creams: the best homemade remedies

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite creams are an "excellent alternative to specific products purchased in pharmacies or perfumery. First of all they allow you to save money, offering an effective remedy against cellulite at no cost. In addition, they are 100% natural, free of substances. toxic, alcohol and chemical ingredients of any kind. You may not believe it, but you already have everything you need to make your own anti-cellulite cream in your kitchen!

Are DIY anti-cellulite creams really effective?

For a do-it-yourself anti-cellulite cream to be really effective, it must act on the tissues by promoting microcirculation, draining the skin and improving water retention, in order to decrease localized adiposity and accelerate the metabolism of fats, responsible for that annoying peel effect. "Orange..

Of course, without a proper diet, the right hydration and good exercise, it is unlikely that a do-it-yourself anti-cellulite cream can work miracles. However, when accompanied by a healthy lifestyle, it can bring visible benefits.

The important thing is not to be in a hurry and to be constant: the do-it-yourself anti-cellulite creams - as well as those on the market, even the best ones - should be used at least three times a week, for more than a month. draining massage during the application.

Are you ready to discover the most effective DIY recipes? Let's start with the advice of Dr. Barbara Bertoli, who proposes, in our video, a DIY cream based on desert date oil ...

See also

Effective anti-cellulite creams: here are the ones that work the most!

Stretch mark creams: the most effective white and red anti-stretch mark creams

DIY hand cream: 5 easy recipes to make at home!

You can buy the Organic Dry Date Oil of the Desert, 100% Pure and Certified on Amazon for about 20 euros!

© Amazon

Coffee-based DIY anti-cellulite cream

Have you ever thought about recycling coffee grounds to make a really effective anti-cellulite cream? Caffeine, at the base of many of the creams on the market, helps to reactivate the circulation and is excellent for improving the imperfections of cellulite.

To make your own coffee-based anti-cellulite cream, simply add the base of a mocha to a little normal moisturizer, then massage the mixture on critical areas for about ten consecutive minutes. to be done 2-3 times a week, rinse with warm water.

If you do not have time for the draining massage, a "good alternative is to proceed with a pack. Spread the cream you made with coffee grounds and moisturizer on your legs and cover them with a transparent film. Leave on for about 25 minutes, then rinse" .

DIY anti-cellulite cream with cocoa

Here is the recipe for making a delicious DIY anti-cellulite cream with cocoa and coffee. Cocoa contains theobromine, a substance that helps get rid of fats under the skin and, together with the properties of coffee, has an excellent slimming effect.

Make a cream with a muddy (but not too liquid) consistency by gradually adding lukewarm water to a mixture of 4 teaspoons of unsweetened cocoa powder, 2 teaspoons of coarse salt and 1 coffee grounds from a mocha for 4 people.

Pass the mixture on critical areas with a brush or your hands, then cover with cling film and let it act for half an hour. Remove the film and rinse with warm water.

DIY anti-cellulite cream with almond and grapefruit essential oil

You will find all the ingredients to make this effective DIY anti-cellulite cream in herbal medicine. You will need 12 ivy leaves, sweet almond oil and grapefruit essential oil, because citrus fruits also have an important draining effect.

Cook the 12 ivy leaves in a saucepan of boiling water for about twenty minutes and let them rest for the same time. Put the leaves in a mixer with 6 drops of sweet almond oil and mix separately, in a container, some drop of water in which you boiled the leaves together with 24 cl of sweet almond oil and 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil.

Apply the ivy leaves to the critical areas and leave them to act for half an hour, after which rinse with fresh water and massage for a long time with the almond and grapefruit oil that you have made separately.

Buy on Amazon a complete set of 16 100% Pure Essential Oils in a special offer at 22 euros!

© Amazon

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite cream: the scrub based on seaweed and salt

To make this DIY anti-cellulite scrub, simply mix the following ingredients together in a bowl: 1 handful of iodized salt, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of Guam seaweed mud, 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil. , 3 drops of cypress essential oil and 3 drops of rosemary essential oil.

Apply the scrub to damp skin and massage for a long time, then rinse with warm water. You will immediately feel smoother and smoother skin! The cream can be stored out of the fridge for a month in a glass container.

DIY anti-cellulite cream with grapeseed oil

Grapeseed oil has a strong toning power: you will need 100 ml to make this effective DIY anti-cellulite cream, together with 2 drops of lemon essential oil, 2 drops of bitter orange essential oil, 2 drops of essential oil juniper and 2 drops of cypress essential oil.

Mix all the ingredients mentioned in a bowl, until you get a cream of the right consistency. Spread the cream on the critical points and let it act for half an hour, then rinse.

DIY anti-cellulite creams: lemon and cinnamon scrub

This lemon and cinnamon scrub is very fragrant, an effective remedy for cellulite blemishes! To make it, get the following ingredients: lemon zest, 3 tablespoons of cinnamon powder, 1 glass of fine sea salt, 6 tablespoons of avocado oil, 3 drops of cypress essential oil, 3 drops of horsetail essential oil , 3 drops of sweet orange essential oil.

Put the lemon zest and cinnamon in a bowl and mix gradually adding the essential oils and the avocado oil. When the cream has reached the right consistency, massage it on the areas affected by cellulite for about a quarter of an hour.

Rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

Recipe Anti-cellulite cream: the do-it-yourself recipe!