An old photo of DiCaprio's mom triggers thousands of sexist and feminist comments

As an adult Leonardo DiCaprio arouses a lot of emotions but ... Imagine what could trigger a photo of him as a child? When the Facebook page History in Pictures published an old shot of the actor, he was just 2 years old, the web focused attention on just one detail.
Not the blond hair, not the angelic gaze and not the love between the three but ... Irmelin Indenbirken's natural armpits.

Internet users have not missed an opportunity to express their opinion and we pass from mere disgust to a strange concept of gender equality, such as: "we thought you wanted "equality, we didn't understand that women wanted to be as hairy as men".

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Fortunately, there was no lack of sensible comments, people who pointed out that in the "70s hair removal was not a widespread practice and that, above all, every woman can decide what is best for herself.

© Getty Leonardo DiCaprio and his mother

Irmelin Indenbirken did not respond to criticism, also because he had no reason to, and so did DiCaprio. The controversy, however, did not prevent the photo from reaching an impressive number of likes on Facebook!

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-The 7 best memes for DiCaprio's victory
-Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio, golden couple at the Oscars

Tags:  Love-E-Psychology Properly Old-Couple