Back pain in pregnancy: causes, remedies and exercises to relieve pain

Back pain in pregnancy is quite common: about 50-70% of pregnant women suffer from back pain during gestation. Back pain in pregnancy usually affects the lumbar area, but can also involve - beyond the spine - the shoulder blades or pelvic bones.

Back pain during pregnancy tends to occur between the fifth and sixth months, when the belly volume stretches and pregnant women are gaining weight. There are not rare cases in which even after only 8 weeks from conception one begins to feel some pain.

If the causes of back pain in pregnancy are linked to weight gain, women who already suffered from back problems before conception or who have overweight problems will tend to suffer from it more likely. to know about the different types of back pain in pregnancy, the causes and the most useful remedies to prevent and relieve pain, including some exercises. But first, here's a video explaining what should never be done during pregnancy:

Lumbar or pelvic pain, acute or chronic: the different types of back pain in pregnancy

Back pain that affects many women during their pregnancy can take different forms. First of all, it can be acute or chronic pain: if it is acute pain it will appear only following a particular effort or a specific "activity (if you lift weights, for example, or if you assume an incorrect position); if instead it is chronic pain, the disorder could last for a long time, even after delivery.

In the case of chronic pain it is therefore good not to ignore it, but try to prevent it with the right behaviors and exercises that we will see later, so as to have as few consequences as possible after your baby is born.

Back pain in pregnancy, then, can affect the lumbar or pelvic area. In the case of lumbar pain, it will be a back pain felt at the height of the lumbar vertebrae, in the lower back, and then spreads to the muscles of the spine or to the muscles of the legs, reaching in some cases up to the feet. Usually this kind of back pain tends to get worse if you stay in the same position for a long time.

Pelvic pain, on the other hand, affects the back of the pelvis and can extend to one side or both to the buttocks and upper thighs. Expectant mothers who suffer from it can aggravate the disorder if they perform movements such as climbing stairs or jumping up or walking for a long time.

See also

Sciatica in pregnancy: causes, symptoms and how to relieve pain and back pain

Swollen feet in pregnancy: causes and remedies

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy: causes and remedies for blood loss and pain

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What are the causes of back pain in pregnancy?

The causes of back pain in pregnancy can be different. First of all, back pain can be a consequence of the change in the center of gravity of our body, due to the natural imbalance of the spine when it has to support a greater weight. The lumbar area in particular is what we need to support the weight of the abdominal organs and this is the reason why the lower back is commonly the one most affected by pain.

Starting from the 22nd week of pregnancy, the natural curve of the lumbar area tends to be accentuated in order to reduce the tension of the pelvic floor, on which the fetus in turn weighs. Consequently, the center of gravity is shifted gradually so that the woman can maintain her balance by changing her posture. The pain is therefore easily understood.

Another cause of back pain in pregnancy concerns hormones: during pregnancy, women produce an increase in estrogen and relaxin, which allow the muscles of the spine to relax. The back becomes more flexible in order to adapt to the growth of the spine. fetus and pain comes from this natural adaptation process.

Among the causes of back pain there are also the "enlargement of the uterus (which, by causing greater pressure on the sciatic nerve, can cause its inflammation), weight gain and the very frequent adoption of incorrect postures, which risk to increase pain, especially if maintained for a long time.

Finally, stress can also be one of the causes of back pain in pregnancy: in these cases, in fact, the pain will be caused by the tension of the muscles in the back of the body.

Remedies: how to prevent or relieve back pain in pregnancy

In order to prevent back pain during pregnancy (or at least make it as bearable as possible, since it is a completely physiological disorder), it is important to use some precautions. First of all, expectant mothers must be careful to walk by distributing the weight evenly on the spine and pelvis. They must not lift heavy objects or make sudden movements to get up from a lying position.

We must be careful not to gain too much weight, because it does not seriously affect the back: the weight gain - we remind you - should not exceed 10 kg. Also pay attention to the shoes you choose to wear: they must be comfortable and with a heel of no more than 4 centimeters (even ballet flats should be avoided!).

When you sleep, try to lie on your side with one or both legs bent, avoiding sleeping on your back. In everyday life, always pay attention to your posture, making an effort so that the baby bump is not carried too far forward. Always choose to sit in chairs that support your back well and not stand too long.

Always remember to do a light physical activity: a little movement will help you strengthen the back muscles, decreasing the pain. Which exercises to prefer? A good walk, swimming, stretching and yoga (about which, here below we suggest a couple of exercises to start comfortably in your home!).

Finally, massages or the application of hot or cold compresses where it hurts you may certainly be useful, in order to decrease the pain.

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Exercises to relieve pain

As anticipated, yoga is a discipline that can be particularly useful for pregnant women who suffer from back pain. Here are two exercises to try now!

In a standing position, extend your arms above your head with the palms of your hands pressed against each other. Bend your knees slightly bringing your back forward, trying to stay with your head tucked in your arms. Then return to the initial standing position and repeat the exercise a few more times, breathing deeply.

Now try sitting cross-legged on a mat. Bring your hands to your shoulders, with your elbows at shoulder height. Bend sideways in the time of an exhalation. Inhale as you return to the center. Repeat the exercise on the other side as well. Start over and repeat everything three times, without haste.

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