The psychoanalyst

In this sheet, we illustrate the characteristics, therapeutic methods and practical information on the figure of the psychoanalyst.

At the origins of psychoanalysis: the Oedipus complex

The psychoanalyst is trained on the theories of Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, and his successors. Has the same training as a psychotherapist:
- has a degree in Psychology or Medicine and passed the state exam in psychology or medicine
- attended a specialization school recognized by the state, lasting at least 4 years, which allows enrollment in the register of psychotherapists.

Furthermore, the psychoanalyst must necessarily undergo a personal analysis, to resolve any unconscious conflicts.

In comparison: the figure of the psychotherapist

In which cases should you turn to the psychoanalyst?

Do you want to work on your past, or identify the unconscious causes of problems, anxieties or depressions? Psychoanalysis is used for this, it makes memories, traumas or previous experiences settled in the subconscious, which over time can cause psychological disturbances of all kinds, re-emerge with listening and speaking.

This discipline, which also had Carl G. Jung and Jacques Lacan among its scholars, guides you in the exploration of your unconscious, to discover the root causes of current neuroses and sufferings. It is particularly effective in the case of family problems and anguish.
It is good to know that the analysis process is long and often hard and painful, and therefore you must be ready, and really want to start the journey.

See also: Stress special

What methods does it use?

It is with the psychoanalyst that one lies down on the famous sofa. The lying position promotes relaxation and abandonment. But this position, embarrassing for some, is not systematic: the psychoanalyst can sometimes propose to proceed face to face.
The psychoanalyst sits next to or behind the patient, while the latter is invited to freely express his thoughts, emotions, memories and other fantasies.

During the session, the specialist intervenes little. He limits himself to guiding the patient in the exploration of his unconscious, underlining what seems important to him and at times asking questions. The treatment lasts several years, with two or three sessions a week, until both subjects decide by mutual agreement to put an end to it. This situation is extremely binding, but necessary for the success of the analysis. The transference, the feeling of affection of the patient towards his analyst, also contributes to the success of the path. The patient can in fact develop feelings of dependence, which the psychoanalyst can use and channel for the analysis: a patient wishing to please an admired or loved analyst can undergo the analysis with greater commitment, contributing enormously to its success.

Even the countertransference, the treatment and the affection that the psychoanalyst develops towards the patient in turn, can be used for the success of the analysis process.

    For further information: the figure of the psychologist

    Practical information

    The psychoanalyst receives in a private practice or within a medical-psychological center. The duration of a session varies from 20 to 45 minutes, with prices ranging between 20 and 120 euros. The rates are generally agreed between the specialist and the patient during the first session.

    To know: the patient must pay for all the scheduled sessions, even those he has missed.

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