Liliana Segre: that's why she deserves support in the fight against hatred

"You expected solidarity, humanity, ethics, an ecumenical concept without barriers to welcome you, instead you found indifference to your desire for justice".

These are the harsh words with which Alberto Belli Paci, son of Liliana Segre, closes the open letter sent to a well-known Italian newspaper, after the events of October 30, 2019 in the Senate, in which he explains why we do not deserve a woman like her mother.

The commission against hatred and abstention in the Senate

Liliana Segre, life senator since January 19, 2018 "For having illustrated the homeland with very high standards in the social field", as a first piece of legislation, he proposed the establishment of a Commission against hatred and racism, obtaining the support of all parties except the center-right. The reasons for this abstention could be attributed to "Defense of the family" (actually Ms. Segre was married to the same man for only 56 years and gave birth to three children, really the polar opposite of the traditional family concept) and the desire to exclude the word "hate" when it comes to anti-Semitism (we can speak, therefore, of veiled antipathy towards the Jews? that's better?).

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The fight against hatred is not a question of political alignment

The son of the woman, deported to Auschwitz when she was just 14, attacks those who speak of political manipulation: “Look inside your conscience. But do you really believe that my mother is someone who lets herself be exploited? With that number on her arm, 75190, stamped into the flesh of a little girl?I was that you allow yourself to be used by someone for political advantages of a particular political party? You are off track ”. Politics actually does not matter, one must certainly not belong to one side rather than another to appreciate and support the commitment of a woman who fights so that what she has experienced on her skin should never again be experienced by any human being.

Not hate, but only pain for those who insult her

Liliana Segre has always worked hard in the fight against indifference and racism, a living witness to the monstrosities that man can stain in their name. "I had never been so lonely and unhappy", says the woman, and more "I was a wounded animal". The Anti-Semitism Observatory has calculated that, on average, on social networks, Liliana Segre receives 200 insults and threats a day, but the woman does not lower herself to the level of her detractors and says she does not feel hatred towards them, but only pain because, blinded by their wickedness, the beautiful things of which the world is full are lost.

Not abstention, but respect and solidarity, this is what Liliana Segre deserves.

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