Back to school: Dove's guide to learning to have self-esteem

Believing in ourselves can be the most powerful weapon we have, especially in the most difficult and delicate moments. Dove is well aware of this and, in this regard, has created a real guide to self-esteem (downloadable for free here). The brand of personal hygiene products in fact wishes to provide young people with concrete tools with which to finally recognize their own value and potential and, thanks to this new acquired awareness, face head on even those that seem to be the most obstacles. insurmountable.

Self-esteem: "one of the main themes of the growth experience of each of us"

Where she is not alone in carrying out this very urgent mission, but has availed herself of the professional help of a highly specialized figure such as Dr. Stefania Andreoli, a luminary in the field of adolescent psychotherapy. This period in the life of each of us is in fact marked by an extreme fragility in the individual who is no longer a child but not yet an adult. An individual who finds in front of him an infinite range of possibilities for which it is urgent to find answers as soon as possible to questions such as: "who am I?", "What do I want in life?", "Will I be able to make it happen?". And this is where self-esteem comes into play, defined by Dr. Andreoli as one "among the main themes of the growth experience of each of us".

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Believe in yourself to face the consequences of the Coronavirus and other crises

Dove, who has been carrying out the Dove Self-Esteem Project since 2004, and Dr. Andreoli believe that the exercise of self-esteem is fundamental, especially in a particularly troubled phase like the current one, marked by the terrible consequences due to the spread of the virus from Covid- 19.Rebuilding a routine and trying to recover - as far as possible - the habits of pre-Coronavirus life will not be easy and that is why it is urgent to learn to believe in one's value since having awareness of oneself and one's "effectiveness in the world" is - according to the psychotherapist - "among the most effective cards to spend to overcome the crisis and regain possession of the everyday life of one's own lives". Here the question then arises spontaneously: how to succeed in such a difficult - at times impossible - intent? For Andreoli, loving yourself is a practice to be dedicated to with commitment and diligence on a daily basis.

Parents' contribution is essential

However, this exercise cannot be carried out in total autonomy, but also requires the participation of those around us. In fact, self-esteem "is nourished not only by our personal maturation, but also by the reflection of ourselves in the gaze of others". And this is where the family takes over and, in particular, the parental figure. It is on them that the primary responsibility falls to form those who will later become resolute and self-confident adults, free from insecurities that risk cutting their wings and inhibiting their dreams. It is easy to say, then, why their contribution is so fundamental in this path. By promoting self-esteem in their children, parents provide them with the tools they need to face the world and life that await them outside the comfortable nest in which they were born and raised with determination and confidence. Yes, but how to do it? Through the guide "Only Me", Dove offers all parents a basis from which to establish a "constructive dialogue on self-esteem".

Also in this case, Dr. Andreoli is deeply convinced that a daily devotion to the cause is what it takes to see it realized. In practice, parents must free themselves from the fear of spoiling their children and show them, day by day, how much they believe in them, both with deeds and with words. “How well this t-shirt fits you”, “You played an exceptional theme”, “You did the right thing”, in short, it is essential that families show concrete support for the physical and emotional qualities of their children. This - as the doctor points out - does not imply that they will automatically transform into self-righteous adults, but rather serene and confident.

The Dove project leaves the walls of the house and reaches schools

Dove's contribution does not stop at a single guide. In fact, since 2019 the brand has actively engaged in the Self-esteem Project by organizing dedicated workshops which, in schools, have reached more than 13,000 children between 11 and 14 years of age. During these events, through the help of experts, professors and trainers, the children were taught the value of self-esteem and to realize, once and for all, how unreal and tremendously dangerous the models proposed daily by the media are.

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