Medical helmets for children: an artist transforms a cure into a work of art

It must not be easy for a small child, and even less for his parents, to have to face a treatment that forces the child to wear a helmet for most of the day and night.
Paula Strawn has put herself in the shoes of these parents and has found a colorful solution to make the period of care less burdensome and make it pass faster.
And then what would not be done to excite a child like this ...

What are children's medical helmets for?

Plagiocephaly is a disease that can affect 1 in 10 newborns, especially twins. It is a deformation of the baby's head due to the weight and position assumed during birth. The habits that a baby takes in the first months of life can also alter the normal positioning of his cranial bones. In more complex cases this pathology must be treated with a helmet. A helmet that, despite being designed with aesthetics in mind, did not convince the American artist Paula Strawn.

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Paula Strawn's therapeutic art

According to this artist, the children forced into care and their parents needed something more.
Thanks to the medical helmets that Paula has been painting for over 12 years, many children have returned to smile. And the same happened with their parents, worried that these helmets would limit the freedom and light-heartedness of their children. Medical helmets for sick children have thus been transformed into splendid works of art, responding to the passions of children or the tastes of mum and dad.
As the artist explains on his Facebook page (Lazardo Art and the art of baby helmet painting), relatives, family friends and anyone else who meets the child, before worrying and asking questions about the child's health, will be struck by the drawings and smiles of the little one, which reassure everyone a little.

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Looking in the mirror and seeing themselves transformed into brave pilots or beautiful princesses, these children in fact could only show all their enthusiasm in big smiles! Look what adorable expressions ...

Tags:  Actuality Love-E-Psychology Lifestyle