Adolescent depression: an adolescent disorder not to be underestimated

Depression in adolescence has many causes, certainly even excessive use of tablets and video games at this stage of life can help isolate oneself from the outside world and can also cause depression. There is a lot of talk for young people about true indigestion of technology, but this is not always the case! In fact, have you ever thought that these same technological devices can also be an important ally in the growth of our children?

The first signs of a depressive syndrome cannot be underestimated, when, for example, adolescents begin to manifest a bit of hypochondria, a certain reticence, a state of mind that is "not yet depressed, but very unmotivated, sudden changes of mind" mood, little desire to go out to have fun, reluctance to frequent one's circle of friends, long silences, melancholy and bored attitudes or spend too many hours alone in their room, do not care about their appearance or even neglect hygiene personal. It is not possible to identify depressive signs indicative of a malaise with superficiality, superficially dismissing them as "normal", typical of that age and considering them only as a usual passing period in the life of the adolescent, who is growing up and looking for his personality.
In fact, very often these depressive symptoms and above all the mood swings are a real alarm bell of a depression, which overwhelms the life of the adolescent who requires the intervention of a specialist in developmental psychology and specific treatment. .

See also

Postpartum depression: symptoms and prevention of this disorder following g

Depression in pregnancy: how to best deal with it and treat yourself

Difficult adolescence: learning to manage children at this stage of life

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Initial signs and actual depressive symptoms of a pathological disorder: how to recognize them?

The signs of depressive states in adolescence are many and vary from case to case and are not always present in the various types of depression of adolescence.
Signs and symptoms of the depressed adolescent can be: sudden, uncontrollable crying, which sometimes there is no way to stop; melancholy and sad attitudes not typical of that age; little interest in everything, even for their favorite passions and hobbies; closure in oneself, in one's home and then also in one's room; loss of appetite; insomnia or long lethargy; hyperactivity or long sleeps, sadness or despair, strong weakness and asthenia; feelings of guilt and worthlessness; loss of self-esteem; victimization to the point of despair and sometimes even unmotivated anger, difficult to placate; thoughts of self-destruction; harmful actions on the one's body; depressive thoughts, even suicidal thoughts. Even very strong, inexplicable and unexplained pain and headaches not justified by medical pathologies could be signals caused to the adolescent
from the beginning of a serious depression.

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Disorders of the psyche: what is the task of the parents of a depressed teenager?

In many cases, some of these symptoms are caused by a real pathological disorder typical of a depressive syndrome of adolescence, which often manifests itself in ways and signals different from those of depression, which involves the elderly and adults, and therefore requires treatment. suitable that does not endanger the health or in some cases the life of the depressed adolescent.The inner life of adolescents is usually complex, they are beautiful years, but they can also be very difficult: it is a complicated age in the psychological aspects, especially in terms of relationships with parents, either because they are too apprehensive or because they demand the most from them. these cases to the adolescent, even as a child, could cause the fear of disappointing them and feel inadequate and lower than their expectations, thus losing self-esteem and security. Important for a positive prognosis of this disorder is that the depressive symptoms of adolescents become aware as soon as possible by those who frequent the depressed adolescent and especially their parents, who can perceive them better than teachers or friends. This is because they pay more attention to the state of depression. their child's health, they have known his story since he was just a child and therefore long before his fall into depression and can therefore more easily feel his depressive upsets and mood swings. Parents, however, must never autonomously advise the depressed adolescent drugs against depressive states, as this could be an imprudence at times so serious as to put his life at risk. Their task, as soon as they perceive depressive signs of severe forms or disruptive mood disorders , obsessive compulsive or manic-depressive psychosis and mood dysregulation in children, is to consult first of all the doctors who are experts in depression, this treacherous serious disturbance of the psyche even of the adolescent.

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In this way, specialists can prescribe the most suitable pharmacological treatment or psychoanalytic therapy with a trusted psychologist, a cognitive behavioral therapy, a complete path, therefore, established according to the type of depression that has invaded the patient's life, also taking into account account of your general state of health. Usually most people affected by depression throw out posters or even silent help signals (which can still be received by an attentive observer) so that others understand their situation and come to their rescue, but when a depressed teenager thinks that there is no " there is nothing more to do and that others can no longer help him in this terrible psychic situation in which he has come to find, he closes more and more in himself.
Parents often do not recognize this depression that assails their adolescent children, as they alternate moments of sadness with moments of joy, lack of confidence in their abilities with periods of passion and exaltation or while they are bored and disinterested in everything even their passions usual and do not want to do anything, they show themselves to be lively, planning and attracted by something else. So a mother or a father, even if attentive, cannot understand if these are particular moments, but passengers that go through all the children who are growing up, typical of their age and quite normal for those who are in this delicate phase of life. or it is a more serious thing. We must also always try to understand early on the matrix of these depressive symptoms in adolescents and to somehow guess if they can be linked to problems in family life or to the attendance of a school, in which they are not comfortable, because they are unable to communicate. with teachers who are too repressive or who instead perhaps mock them for their inefficiencies, embarrassing them in front of other classmates or do not know how to interact with intrusive friends, who intimidate them, perhaps guilty of bullying episodes.

Talking to a teenager is not easy, you have to use his language!

See also: We hosted the TikTok stars that kids love so much!

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Suicide: the extreme gesture of a depressed teenager

What terrifies parents most is the horrendous fear that a child in a depressive phase could endanger his life. They fear that it may come in a moment of very strong depression and despair to the point of making an extreme gesture, such as taking one's own life, suicide.
If you really fear such a terrible consequence for a child's adolescent depressive syndrome, if you even suspect a major depressive disorder, a manic-depressive psychosis, you need to be able to promptly grasp the signs that can make you understand suicidal tendencies in the boy / girl and act quickly. to decrease the increased risk and rely on a children and adolescents psychiatry.
The first signs of risk of a suicidal tendency, for example, can be the following: if he often talks about death or suicide, apparently joking; if he lightly performs risky and dangerous actions for his health or physical safety, if he gives away his most precious and dearest objects, if he often greets others with melodramatic attitudes. It is necessary to investigate as much as possible always with the help of a psychologist or a psychiatrist if it is the case all the facets of his depression, trying to understand even if he is afraid of confessing identity problems or is afraid of becoming an object of scandal and derision. on social media for seriously embarrassing videos or photos about him posted without his knowledge, which terrify him to the point of no longer being able to find the courage to live.

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