Ultrasounds in pregnancy: what they are and when they are done

The ultrasound in pregnancy, after the eventual CVS, is the most important prenatal examination, which helps to follow the development and health of the fetus that grows in the uterus. The classic ultrasound is performed with an ultrasound, and can be performed in any clinic. In the case of pregnancy, then, the ultrasound is necessary and prescribed directly by the gynecologist, as a normal routine. But what exactly is an "ultrasound scan, how does it take place? When is it done?"

How is an ultrasound done?

The ultrasound is performed by a radiologist who specializes in the use of the instrument used to perform this examination, the ultrasound. In classic ultrasound, the part on which a probe is to be slid is sprinkled with gel. Then, the radiologist passes the probe over the belly of the expectant mother, to visualize an image of the fetus on a screen. In the latest technological developments, we have arrived at a great novelty for ultrasound scans in pregnancy: 3D ultrasound.

See also

Symptoms of pregnancy: the first signs to know if you are pregnant

Pregnancy test: when to do it and how does it work?

20th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 5th month of pregnancy

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Ultrasounds in pregnancy: why are they done?

The "ultrasound in pregnancy allows, as we said, to check some characteristics of the fetus, to follow and monitor the development. It is painless and causes only two small annoyances: the need to have a full bladder at the first ultrasound, in order to better see the" uterus, and the feeling of cold when the gel is applied which allows the probe to glide better on the mother's belly. For the rest, it is a normal routine examination to which all expectant mothers must necessarily undergo.

When are they done?

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There are three ultrasound scans in pregnancy, each for each trimester of gestation. When exactly is each ultrasound done, and what do you see in each session?

  • First ultrasound: done within 13 weeks of pregnancy, it allows you to determine how many months the fetus is, to calculate the date of delivery, but above all it allows you to hear the heartbeat of the fetus, measure its blood flow, check its status health of the placenta and organs of the mother
  • Second ultrasound: it is also called morphological ultrasound, it is done between the 20th and 22nd week, and allows you to measure all the forms of the fetus, to understand if it develops normally and if there are any malformations. The perimeter of the skull, that of the femur and of the abdomen is measured, the movements, heart rhythm and the state of growth of the fetus are observed. The morphological ultrasound allows to measure the nape of the fetus, to know if there is a risk of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). In case of doubt, we resort to further tests, such as the tri test
  • Third and last ultrasound: done between the 30th and 34th week, it measures the volume of amniotic fluid, the growth of the fetus, the position of the head (in case a breech birth is to be expected) and the functioning of the vital organs. Based on the position, and the state of health of the mother and child, it is already beginning to understand whether there will be a natural birth or it will be necessary to schedule a caesarean section.

What is the cost of ultrasound scans?

Ultrasounds are free, if you go to public facilities. The cost in private facilities varies from 50 to 100 euros for each exam, reaching 150 euros for the morphological ultrasound, which is the most important.

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The alternatives to the classic ultrasound

In addition to the traditional ultrasound, which we have talked about so far, there is also the transvaginal ultrasound, where the probe is inserted into the vagina instead of being passed over the belly (this is the case of transabdominal pelvic ultrasound). This type of ultrasound is used when there is a need to better examine the mother's reproductive system, to verify its health status. An examination that is not possible with the classic ultrasound, which cannot overcome the fatty layers of the body to return a detailed image of the uterus. In case you want to make checks on the health of the fetus, also based on different variables, the doctor can also prescribe an amniocentesis, possible starting from the 16th week. Amniocentesis and CVS are further exams, they are not alternatives to ultrasound scans, which in any case all future mothers must do for each trimester.

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