Women in communication: interview with Morena Porta from Wiko

Coming of age is certainly an important milestone, both for a person and for a brand and, in this very particular case, for ours.
As the female turns 18, we have decided to start a Women Empowerment project that focuses on women who work in the field of communication.
Morena Porta, Wiko Marketing & Communication Director Southern Europe, answered 5 significant questions for us, telling us about technology and the importance of being prepared.

1. What is "being a woman" like in the world of work?

Although many things have changed over the last 30 years, being a woman still remains a limiting factor for certain professions, even if only for a cultural bias: in fact, women are by nature multitasking beings, they have learned to build "operational autonomy even in cost of great sacrifices, to prove that there is so much and if not more than their male colleagues. Whether we like it or not, the competition is strong in certain areas and, even today, when a woman decides to tackle a career path she must do so by demonstrating skills and management skills that are often taken for granted for a man. Fortunately, the technology that evolves has been and helps us: the development of the network and products that allow you to work on the move have partly facilitated overcoming the barriers to “home-family-work” management, giving those who want it the opportunity to always be at the forefront and always connected.

See also

Women in communication: interview with Hotwire's Beatrice Agostinacchio

Women in communication: interview with Eleonora Rocca founder of Digital Innovatio

Women in Communication: interview with Federica Beneventi from Veepee (vente-privee

2. What was "women empowerment" for you at 18?

I had a very romantic idea of ​​this concept, I thought of purely male professions or in any case practiced mainly by men (the formula 1 driver, the heart surgeon, the President of the Republic ...) and the possibility that in my future work I could become an active part of a turnaround. In reality in the work that I have chosen the female component is very high, Communication is a woman in the term itself and in its nature and having formed my career in the electronics and telecommunications industry - as today in Wiko where I coordinate a team in which colleagues and colleagues are my most precious allies - it gave me an edge, because I found myself getting to know them in depth - because I had to promote them - those tools (such as smartphones) that help "women empowerment "In all sectors.

3. Three words you associate today with "women empowerment"

Commitment, determination, awareness

4. What would you say to the 18-year-old yourself?

Not to fear confrontation and to be more and more prepared than required, without forgetting what our added value is, given by greater empathy and the ability to relate to the context in which we operate, as well as the people with whom we work. we find to interact. Asserting one's talent and skills must not lead us to lose humanity, as well as the curiosity for everything that is new and represents an opportunity for something that, perhaps, we had not planned, but it can offer us an advantage. competitive to emerge prove our worth.

5. How much need is there to talk about women empowerment today and what should be done?

There is a great need to demonstrate that there are virtuous examples and models, where talented women have managed to establish themselves, but we must also not be afraid to talk about what is still holding back their development. Parallel to the limits, the lack of facilities for women who work and are also mothers (often without support in the logistical management of children), topics that should have priority both in government programs and in the internal organization of companies, women themselves must also develop greater awareness of what is needed and cannot be left in the hands of others, especially when it comes to one's career. The road to a full and satisfying "women empowerment" is still to go.

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