Diet awakens metabolism: accelerates metabolic function

The metabolism awakens diet is a type of diet that consists of eating different things on different days of the week to activate our metabolism in an important way. It's simple and practical enough to follow, find out how it works! If you are looking for foods to fill up on protein, watch the video below and discover five tasty and high-protein foods (and they are foods you certainly don't expect!).

Diet Awakens Metabolism: Do You Increase Calories and Speed ​​Up Metabolism?

According to some diets proposed by well-known nutritionists, there are foods that not only accelerate your metabolism, but also help your body to purify itself, to renew itself, counteracting the aging process and preventing health problems. These are different diet programs, but they also stimulate your metabolism to burn calories, helping you to lose your unwanted pounds in a short time. In fact, according to some dieticians, based on how your metabolism works (and this depends on how you feed yourself), your body can burn more or less calories. Basically the problem is not so much how much you eat, but how much you assimilate. These new diets believe they can wake up your sleeping metabolism, without having to suffer from hunger pangs, by following nutritional programs specially designed to make you lose weight quickly and return to perfect shape and good health. Stimulation of the metabolism is a fundamental factor, so you must always follow a diet plan that not only helps you keep your weight or makes you lose weight, but also educates you to always keep a correct eating behavior, without rigidly painful diets. often harmful to the health of your body, nor would I iron demotivating prohibitions.

See also

Metabolic diet: how the 14-day scheme works with a practical example of m

8 tricks to awaken your slow metabolism

Detox diet: what the detox diet is and how it works

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Diet awakens metabolism: the super metabolism diet

The supermetabolism diet is well known especially for those 9 kilos less per month promised by nutritionist Haylie Pomroy, idol of celebrities and stars, who with her book "The diet of supermetabolism" has revolutionized the world, indicating which foods should be discarded or avoid it as much as possible and propose recipes for all tastes. Its diet includes a 7-day cycle to be restarted every Monday for at least a month. If you want to follow it, first of all, you have to eat 5 meals a day (3 meals and two snacks). Obligatory. Then resigned to avoiding sugars and alcohol, dairy products, caffeine, theine, yeast, wheat flour, corn and soy. The diet includes three phases. The first concerns the first two days of the week, in which it is good to eat proteins and high sugar content pineapple, melon) and whole grains. The thyroid can be stimulated by these foods to burn proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The sugars are transformed into energy and not into fat. Orni do physical exercise outdoors. In phase two, Wednesday and Thursday, do not consume carbohydrates and fats, but proteins, then red, white meat, fish, and vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage and do exercises to strengthen the muscles. The third phase runs from Friday to Sunday: less protein and carbohydrates, consuming healthy fats, olive oil, olives, eggs, nuts, avocados and coconut. Here is the moment when you step on the metabolism pedal and accelerate to the maximum. Do relaxing exercises, perhaps the type of yoga you prefer. For another three weeks, repeat the same program and weigh yourself no more than once a week. It seems that this food program works and even celebrities attest to it. Obviously, a diet that is safe for health must always be personalized by a trusted specialist, after a checkup and an analysis of your physical condition.

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Set the metabolism alarm: but don't skip meals

A mistake is certainly to excessively and suddenly reduce the calories usually consumed with a too rigid, starvation diet. Do not think that by skipping meals you will be able to lose weight in a balanced and healthy way. Cutting calories is fine, but gradually. If you overdo it, you can even get the opposite effect and slow down your metabolism, instead of speeding it up. So, never go your own way. Dieting is a serious matter and must be adapted to your body, including ailments, needs, body shape and vitamin deficiencies. According to some, there is no diet that has the power to awaken the metabolism and therefore not even the foods to be chosen. However, you must always consider that it is not enough to reduce calories for a correct diet. It is also necessary to balance them in the optimal way.

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Awakens the metabolism: varied and balanced diet and physical exercise

By metabolism (in Greek μεταβολή means "change") we mean the transformation through chemical reactions of the food ingested into energy useful for the life of the cells. Basal metabolic rate (MB) represents the energy needed for vital metabolic functions (breathing, blood circulation, nervous system activity) in a resting and fasting body. The basal metabolic rate of an adult depends on age. by sex, weight and height. It can be modified by stress, hormonal problems, especially thyroid, some drugs, such as sedatives, growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding. The excess energy produced ends up deposited as fat tissue, if you put in fewer calories than you give up, you lose weight. Many argue that a "healthy" diet must first of all be varied and must include more food groups, fruits and vegetables , cereals, extra virgin olive oil, meat, fish, eggs and legumes. To activate the metabolism, you must act not only on food planning, but also on physical activity of various duration: if you want to maintain your ideal weight, 150 are enough. minutes a week, if you want to lose weight at least 250. To aerobic gymnastics you have to combine exercises that strengthen your muscles to lose weight in a healthy way. Increased energy consumption through exercise must always be done gradually, considering your age and personal physical conditions . Maybe you already know how difficult it is sometimes to lose weight by a few kilos. You give it your all, lead a correct lifestyle, respect a healthy, varied diet, do your own small sacrifices at the table or at parties, but nothing to do. Your metabolism seems to be blocked like the needle of the bathroom scales that does not mention going down. A really demotivating and a bit disheartening fact. Or maybe there are no diets that make you lose so many kilos in a month or metabolism accelerators that make you lose weight at the speed of light. But in any case, do not give up: work with good will, balance the foods well, vary them, do moderate but regular exercise.

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Diet awakens metabolism: rules and advice

However, there are some rules to wake up to slow metabolism. The metabolic activity is also enhanced by caffeine and chocolate, but not to be consumed in large quantities, as coffee can lead to insomnia and excitement and chocolate makes you fat.

Even spicy foods, such as chilli, which by the way does not hurt as much as pepper, stimulate metabolic function, even if for a short time. If you don't suffer from hyperthyroidism, consume foods rich in iodine such as fish and shellfish, which promote good thyroid function and metabolism. If you want to speed up your metabolism, first of all avoid fasting, which can reduce metabolic activity, in fact the body tends to decrease energy expenditure and therefore absorbs more the nutrients contained in food.
If you eat too little compared to what your body requires, even a small exception in the diet will be immediately captured and disposed of with great difficulty. Do not eat fast: this makes digestion difficult and bloated the abdomen, due to the air ingested while eating the meal. This problem slows down the metabolism, which also has to endure exhausting digestion. Do not have lunch in less than half an hour, chew every bite a lot, do not gulp down full spoons or abundant forkfuls.Do not eat a lot, but often, as when the body feels the need for nutrients, it slows down the metabolism. Two snacks a day are recommended, one mid-morning and one in the afternoon, with raw vegetables (carrots, fennel) with low calories, lots of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants or flakes of parmesan cheese or some dried fruit (almonds, walnuts) rich in Omega 3. Always choose carbohydrates (bread and pasta made from wholemeal flour, barley, spelled) and avoid simple sugars l especially in the evening, as they slow down the metabolic activity. It strengthens your muscles, because the more developed they are, the more calories they burn. Drink enough water: its effect on metabolism does not last long: therefore, drink at least 2 liters a day and also consume tea and herbal teas, with or without sugar. Consume a lot of fruits and vegetables because their antioxidants help you get rid of toxins due to pollution, preservatives, even passive smoking. Avoid going to pinch in the kitchen at night or just before bed, as the metabolism rests with us during sleep and many unused calories are stored in the body. If the amount of calories you put into your body is less than that spent, then your desire to lose weight may come true.

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