An all "female" network to fight the gender gap

That women are the main victims of a discriminating system by which they are penalized in the professional and domestic spheres is known, but this does not imply that this condition must be passively accepted. There are realities that work daily to break down the gender gap in which women have been trapped for years and ensure that they are guaranteed the opportunities they deserve, without sex being a guilt to be expiated for life.

One among all Inclusione Donna, a network - or rather - "a great female alliance", which unites 60 associations and more than 30 Ambassadors including professionals, managers and entrepreneurs, of all ages and social backgrounds, who, from the north to the south of Italy, deal with their activities in the most disparate sectors with the ultimate goal of "Remove the obstacles that prevent the achievement of full gender equality in representation and in the world of work". It is in their name that Inclusione Donna has come to the fore to ask the government and institutions to intervene with concrete solutions and targeted measures with a view to greater inclusion and equality.

The first conquests on the side of women

Today, thanks to "an incessant dialogue with all political forces", the network can begin to reap the first fruits of what has been patiently sown. The Government, in fact, accepted the requests presented last October, aimed at reducing the gender gap that excludes women from economic activities and decision-making processes in institutions and companies. Furthermore, Inclusione Donna obtained the renewal and extension of Law 120/2011 on gender quotas and the inclusion of its recommendations in the official documents presented by the task forces of experts, including the task force of Minister Elena Bonetti and the force coordinated by Dr. Vittorio Colao and the Government with the Family Act.

See also

Gender differences: 5 exercises to eliminate them

The priority recommendations against the gender gap

Certification of gender equality in private and public companies and organizations, development of gender statistics, establishment of a Parliamentary Commission that takes public policies seriously from a gender impact point of view, are just some of the priority recommendations advanced by Inclusione Donna to encourage our country to formulate laws that go against the gender gap.

Although the road to equality is still long and uphill, initiatives such as those of Inclusione Donna are a precious gift for each of us and a great push towards the final goal.

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