Phrases about women: the most beautiful and original aphorisms and quotes about being a woman!

The woman has always been the muse of singers and poets, and over the years, words full of love, devotion but also of sarcastic irony have been spent on her nature. And not only by men! In fact, there were many famous women of the past and today who wanted to dedicate thoughts and aphorisms to femininity and its contradictions.

One of these is Audrey Hepburn, who gave a perfect definition of the beauty of women: The beauty of a woman does not depend on the clothes she wears or on the appearance she possesses or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be perceived by her eyes, because that is the door to her heart, the place where her "love.

So here is a series of quotes, aphorisms and thoughts dedicated to the female world to celebrate its strength and fragility, not forgetting to turn a more ironic and irreverent gaze to welcome all the many nuances that being a woman brings with it.

See also

Psychological violence against women: how to recognize it and how to get out of it

Phrases about loneliness: thoughts and famous aphorisms about "being alone

Disappointment phrases: aphorisms and quotes about disappointment and its overcoming

Phrases about women from famous women of yesterday and today

Being a woman is so fascinating. It is an "adventure that requires such courage, a challenge that is never boring. You will have so many things to undertake if you are born a woman. To begin with, you will have to fight to argue that if God existed he could also be an old woman with white hair or a beautiful girl. . Then you will have to fight to explain that sin was not born the day Eve plucked an apple: that day a splendid virtue called disobedience was born. Finally you will have to fight to prove that inside your smooth and round body there is an intelligence. that screams to be heard.
Oriana Fallaci

When the erotic and the tender mix in a woman, they give rise to a powerful bond, almost a fixation.
Anaïs Nin

Men look at women to see them; women look to men to be seen.
Mabel Normand

It is necessary for a woman to leave a sign of herself, of her soul, to a man because we are all good at making love!
Alda Merini

Words are the best aphrodisiac for women. The "G" spot is in their ears. Those who seek it further down are wasting their time.
Isabel Allende

The woman is like a tea bag, you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in boiling water.
Eleanor Roosvelt

Women have always surprised me: they are strong, they still have hope in their hearts and in the future.
Monica Vitti

Whenever a woman fights for herself, she fights for all women.
Maya Angelou

Feminist phrases from the most famous women in history

Women have always had to fight doubly. They have always had to carry two burdens, the private one and the social one. Women are the backbone of societies.
Rita Levi Montalcini

I myself have never been able to find out exactly what feminism is; I just know that people call me a feminist whenever I express feelings that differentiate me from a doormat.
Rebecca West

No struggle can end victoriously if women do not participate in it alongside men. There are two powers in the world: that of the sword and that of the pen. But in reality there is a third, stronger than both, and it is that of women.
Malala Yousafzai

A woman needs a man as much as a fish needs a bicycle.
Gloria Steinem

The greatest revolution in a country is the one that changes women and their way of life. The revolution cannot be carried out without women. Perhaps women are physically weaker but morally they have a hundred times greater strength.
Oriana Fallaci

Women have to do anything twice as good as men to be rated half as good. Fortunately, it is not difficult.
Charlotte Witton

The most irreverent phrases on femininity spoken by famous women

We women need beauty to be loved by men, stupidity to love men.
Coco Chanel

If men were handsome and intelligent, they would be called women.
Audrey Hepburn

The woman is the ruin of the man but the fact remains that the man without the woman is ruined.
Marilyn Monroe

A man can wear what he wants. It will always remain a woman's accessory.
Coco Chanel

As soon as the woman is granted equality with the man, she proves superior to him.
Margareth Thatcher

The female universe is divided into two categories: women and men's wives.
Charlotte Witton

If women are frivolous, it is because they are intelligent to the bitter end.
Alda Merini

A wise girl knows her limits, but a smart one knows she has none.
Marilyn Monroe

The women portrayed by the gaze of men: the sweetest and most beautiful phrases!

Listen to the woman when she looks at you, not when she talks to you.
Khalil Gibran

Without a woman, life is pure prose.
Rubén Darìo

How beautiful women are when they decide to make love soon.
Roberto Benigni

Close the door in front of a woman's spirit and it will take flight out the window.
Oscar Wilde

A beautiful woman has something in common with the truth: they both give more happiness when they want each other than when they have each other.
Friedrich Nietzsche

The strength of women comes from something that psychology cannot explain. Men can be analyzed, women only adored.
Oscar Wilde

There is but one love in a man's life. A woman can love several times, as for her, but she has only one love to give, and she is the first.
Alphonse Karr

The woman understands the finite, she understands it even in its roots: for this reason she is adorable, and such, if you look closely, is every woman; for this she is graceful, and no man is; for this he is happy, as no man can or should be; for this reason it is in harmony with existence, as no man can or must be.
Søren Kierkegaard

Women are meant to be loved, not understood.
Oscar Wilde

There are certain looks of a woman that the loving man would not trade with the entire possession of her body. Whoever has not seen the brightness of the first tenderness light up in a clear eye, does not know the highest of human happiness ...
Gabriele D'Annunzio

If you educate a man, you educate a man. If you educate a woman, you educate a generation.
Brigham Young

A beautiful and stupid woman has never been seen before.
Oscar Wilde

The men who are best able to be with women are the same men who know how to be perfectly fine without them.
Charles Baudelaire

Man and woman, love, so is all this ever? A cork and a bottle.
James Joyce

They do things, women, at times, that there is to remain dry. You could spend a lifetime trying: but you would not be able to have that lightness that they have, at times. They are light inside. Inside.
Alessandro Baricco

Which author in the world can teach you beauty as a woman's gaze?
William Shakespeare

From the eyes of women I derive my doctrine: they still shine with the true fire of Prometheus, they are the books, the arts, the academies, which show, contain and nourish the world.
Oscar Wilde

Nice and funny aphorisms about women

All women become like their mother. This is their tragedy. Men don't become like their mother. And this is their tragedy.
Oscar Wilde

Don't be down because your woman left you: you will find another one and she will leave you too.
Charles Bukowski

Ever since I was a child I have always followed the wrong women. It's my problem. When my mother took me to the cinema to see Snow White everyone fell in love with Snow White; I, of the witch.
Woody Allen

Give women adequate opportunities and they will be capable of anything.
Oscar Wilde

Behind every successful man is a woman, and behind her his wife.
Groucho Marx

Should all those who have misled wives despair, a good tenth of humanity should be hanged.
Oscar Wilde

Victories against women are the only ones that are achieved by running away.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Being a woman is terribly difficult because it mainly consists of dealing with men.
Joseph Conrad

A woman in love is capable of anything. Just like one that isn't.
Roberto Gervaso

Women have a wonderful instinct, they discover everything, except the obvious.
Oscar Wilde

A woman is a dish for the gods, if the devil does not dress her.
Oscar Wilde

It takes a woman twenty years to make a man of her child, and another woman twenty minutes to make an idiot of him.
Charles Dickens

God made woman last because he did not want advice while creating man.

Should all those who have misled wives despair, a good tenth of humanity should be hanged.
Oscar Wilde

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