Phrases about gratitude: all the best ways to say thank you

It takes very little to express gratitude to the people we care about, a "thank you" is more often than not enough. But how often do we say this word? And, above all, how many times is it said with the heart and not as a courtesy automatism? Being grateful to someone or something is good for our own body, and expressing it is good for many. The effects of gratitude are very similar to those of love ... watch this video to discover all the benefits of the case!

Phrases about gratitude: why express gratitude?

Well yes: it takes very little to express gratitude. To someone we love and who has done us good, to someone who has helped us or simply to a situation, for having gone in the best way. Gratitude, therefore, has the most varied ways of being transmitted, yet today it is increasingly rare, hidden by pride and superficiality. As we have anticipated, it is the experts themselves who ensure that being grateful gives energy and positivity, improving our days and, in the long run, our lives.

In a world where gratitude seems to be increasingly "rare commodity", be the change! Don't hesitate to say thank you, because a thank you is sometimes the turning point a person or yourself needs. In fact, in addition to being grateful for a person, you can simply be grateful for a day, without taking it for granted, because every day has something to offer and teach. The rays of the sun that enter through the window in the morning, the flowers that bloom in spring, the embrace of a loved one ... the reasons to thank are many more than we imagine. And it is really nice to express them with phrases that, with time, they will become spontaneous in us!

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Phrases about gratitude: that's what gratitude is

It is easier to say thank you than to explain what it actually means to be grateful and grateful. However, among authors, thinkers, philosophers and those who love to wander with the mind and give definitions, ideas have been created to clarify the meaning of gratitude. Share these phrases with those who deserve it most and bring a smile to their face!

Sometimes we say "thank you" without saying this word. And we don't even notice it. Yet the ways to say it, or make it understood, are many more than we think!

Thanksgiving is the purest vibration that exists on the planet today.

Gratitude is one of those things that cannot be bought. It must be born with man, or otherwise all the obligations of the world will not be able to create it.
Lord Halifax

Gratitude doesn't have to be like snow, which melts and runs away as soon as the sun comes.
Mauro Corona

Gratitude is at work for the gift to be repeated.
Antoni Regulski

By saying "thank you" you create love.
Daphne Rose Kingma

Gratitude. A feeling that is halfway between the benefit received and the one expected or expected.
Ambrose Bierce

Gratitude does not exist in nature; consequently it is useless to demand it from men.
Cesare Lombroso

Gratitude is a duty that must be rendered, but which no one has the right to expect.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Gratitude is the expression of human maturity and, while it manifests it, it nourishes and increases it. Gratitude inspires a dialogue of thanks between those who have given the benefit and those who receive it.
Oreste Benzi

Gratitude is one of those things that cannot be bought. It must be born with man, or otherwise all the obligations of the world will not be able to create it.
Lord Halifax

A blind man won't thank you if you give him a spyglass.
Thomas Fuller

Phrases about gratitude: how to say thank you with the authors

By now we have understood it: to say anything that implies emotion, feeling and in general that leads to lowering one's defenses, the glorious authors of the past, who feed on words, come to meet us. Gratitude is a timeless language, so you can easily use the best aphorisms and the most beautiful quotes from the authors!

When you feel obligated to express your gratitude, you lose half of your joy.
René Barjavel

Gratitude is not the mention of a tenderness, but its silent appreciation, deeper than attainable - all that our Lord asks, who knows the measure of things better than we do. Willing to die, if only we perceive that it dies.
Emily Dickinson

Men: if someone plays a trick on them they write it on the marble, but if you do them a favor, they write it on the sand.
Thomas More

The memory is labile in remembering the benefits but persistent in remembering the wrongs.

We must be grateful to the people who make us happy, it is the charming gardeners who make our soul a flower.
Marcel Proust

Gratitude, like certain flowers, does not grow at high altitudes and is better greened in the good land of humility.
José Martí

Much more decisive and much more lasting than all the gold that can be accumulated is the gratitude of a people.
Che Guevara

I accept the harshest criticism with gratitude, if only it remains impartial.
Otto Von Bismarck

Whoever gives something great does not find gratitude, because whoever receives it already has too much weight in accepting it.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Ingratitude is the daughter of pride.
Miguel de Cervantes

If we meet someone who owes us gratitude, we immediately remember why. But how many times do we meet someone to whom we owe our gratitude, and we no longer remember anything!

One word, worn out, but that shines like an old coin: "Thank you!"
Pablo Neruda

My kind Antonio, another answer
I can only give you "thank you", and again "thank you".
Good services often pay off
With this coin out of course, but they were
My assets as strong as my conscience would get you a better reward.
William Shakespeare

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the mother of all others.
Marco Tullio Cicerone

There is a proverb that I find very true having found myself in the same circumstance: a great service is usually satisfied with a great ingratitude.
Tiziano Vecellio

He who knows how to correspond to a favor received is a friend who is priceless.

Phrases about gratitude: saying thank you in the most beautiful way

Giving thanks is a beautiful gesture in itself, but doing it in the best possible way is an added "addition! Share these phrases with those you want to make them feel loved and appreciated, giving them thanks for being a part of your life!

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a gift and not giving it.
William Arthur Ward

And thank you that I am there, that I am a multitude.
Andrea Pazienza

-Thank you is a magic word?
- Why my daughter?
-Because when I say thank you everyone smiles at me!

If you hate rudeness, you should always say thank you and please. Saying thank you changes the day for you and those who hear it said.
Luca Argentero

Receiving a gift nicely and in the right spirit, even when you have nothing to give in return, means giving one in return.
James Henry Leigh Hunt

You thank before meals. Good. But I say thank you before the concert and the opera, before the game and the comedy, when I open a book, I draw, I paint, I swim, I do fencing and boxing, I walk, I play, I dance and I say thank you when I dip the pen in the ink .
GK Chesterton

Dissatisfied people you recognize immediately, they are those who do not know how to say thank you.

We also have to thank for the rudenesses. They allow you to better evaluate who makes them.
Dino Basili

Phrases about gratitude: the best aphorisms to be grateful

Aphorisms: there are those who love them and those who hate them. In both cases, however, one thing is certain: sometimes they are just right. Even when you want to express your most sincere gratitude, here you will find the phrase that will meet you relieve yourself of the problem of coining one yourself!

When you give a gift to others, your left does not know what your right is doing and do not struggle to remember the good done but when you receive a gift do not forget it and try to be grateful to those who have done you good.
Enzo Bianchi

Perhaps gratitude is the yardstick of human greatness.
Adolfo L’Arco

There is no greater difference between men than between grateful and ungrateful ones.
RH Blyth

The more you acknowledge and express gratitude for the things you have, the more things you will have to express gratitude for.
Zig Ziglar

Whenever we remember to say "thank you", we experience nothing less than heaven on earth.
Sarah Ban Breathnach

On the debts of gratitude, the interest rates of the obligations grow.
Urszula Zybura

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Did you spend one to thank him?
William Arthur Ward

Gratitude nourishes sensitivity, and animates beneficence.
Domenico Cirillo

Blessed be he who does not expect gratitude, because he will not be disappointed.
W.C. Bennett

Grateful are those who still have something to ask.

The best thanks for God's gifts is to pass them on to others.
Michael von Faulhaber

The benefits are welcome as long as they can be reciprocated, when they are too great, instead of gratitude they generate hatred.
Publius Cornelius Tacitus

Silent gratitude is of little use to anyone.
Gertrude Stein

If the only prayer you will ever say in your entire life is "thank you," that will be enough.
Meister Eckhart

In most men, gratitude is just a veiled desire for more benefits.
François de La Rochefoucauld

Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.
Melvin Schleeds

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