The most beautiful quotes on adolescence to reflect together on this phase of life

Adolescence usually ranges from 12 to 20 years, although ironically it could be said that you know when it begins, but you never know when it ends!
Despite the typical problems that every teenager faces at this stage of their life, it usually remains a pleasant memory that they carry around forever.
Before reading the sentences we have collected, watch this short video on the phenomenon of bullying.

Adolescence is one of the most carefree periods in the life of every individual. Through the phrases that we have chosen to enclose in this article, we want to bring back the nostalgia of the young age. 20, 30 or even 40 years!

Below you will find themed phrases and aphorisms, some taken from quotes from famous people. If you are a parent who is facing the period of adolescence of their child, this collection of phrases could help you find an idea to establish a dialogue, which we know well, is very difficult. Read this article to learn more: difficult adolescence

See also

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Phrases on adolescence: the most dense in meaning

  • Remember to criticize your father and your mother, to defend your rights, including that of risk and error. But always love them. (Vittorino Andreoli, Letter to a teenager)
  • All surrounded by monsters and gods, calm is not known. Of the gestures made in those years, there is hardly one that we would not want to suppress later on, while what we should regret instead is that we no longer possess the spontaneity that made us perform them. Later things are seen in a more practical way, fully in line with that of the rest of society, but adolescence is the only time in which something has been learned. (Marcel Proust)
  • You will remember adolescence as the period with the most intense emotions and the most real experiences. A teenager throws himself with every cell in his body in what he does, if only because it's the first time. (Stephen Littleword)

  • What a season, adolescence. You feel that you can be everything and you are still nothing and this is precisely the reason for your mental omnipotence. You have no boundaries, the imagination can range anywhere. (Eugenio Scalfari)
  • The adolescent, and his desire to be like everyone else and like no one else at the same time. (Jacques Drillon)
  • The teenager does not want to be understood, and that is why he complains all the time of being misunderstood. (Stephen Fry)
  • Although I was prepared for the fact that you would change your character with adolescence, once the change took place it was very difficult for me to bear it. Suddenly there was a new person in front of me and I no longer knew how to take this person. (Susanna Tamaro, Go where your heart takes you)

Quotes about adolescence as a starting point to face it

  • Adolescence is the age when boys don't know whether to continue hitting girls or starting kissing them. (Gene Wilder)
  • Adolescence is that period in which you would like to run away from home because your child does not understand you! (guess what, Twitter)
  • You realize your kids are growing up when they stop asking you where they come from, and refuse to tell you where they are going. (Patrick Jake O'Rourke)
  • A good way to prepare for a teen is to talk to stones, because they have very similar ear canals. (Alexa1163, Twitter)
  • How strange that a young person should always think that the world is against them - when in reality it is the only time he is with them. (Mignon McLaughlin)
  • Young people always have the same problem: how to be able to rebel and conform at the same time. Now they have solved it by rebelling against their parents and copying each other. (Quentin Crisp)

  • The two big problems of adolescence are: finding a place in society and, at the same time, finding oneself. (Bruno Bettelheim)
  • Adolescence is the secret moment in which everything is decided. (Fabrizio Caramagna)
  • In pre-adolescence, the most active part of the brain is that which presides over excitations and emotions, while that of reasoning is still under construction. You live here and now, in an eternal present. (Alberto Pellai)
  • For a terrible moment in his life, a teenager deceives himself; he believes he can deceive the world. He believes he is invulnerable. (John Irving)
  • Do not laugh at a young man for his charms; he is only looking for face after face to find his real face. (Logan Pearsall Smith)

Quotes on adolescence: anonymous and non-anonymous reflections

  • A teenager imitates others, identifies with his peers, wishes, for example, to dress like them but at the same time seeks his own identity, wants to be original and unique. (Anonymous)
  • A normal teenager is not a normal teenager if he acts normally. (Anonymous)
  • Mother Nature is providential. It gives you 12 years to learn to love your children before turning them into teenagers. (William Galvin)
  • Teenagers complain that there is nothing to be done, then they stay out all night doing it. (Bob Phillips)
  • Small children wake you up in the middle of the night, teenagers sometimes prevent you from falling asleep. (Fabrizio Caramagna)
  • I always tell my son that if I seem obsessed with always knowing where he's been, it's because he carries my DNA around. (Robert Brault)
  • Adolescence: the most delicate of transitions. (Victor Hugo)
  • For the most part, the very faces of those girls were confused in that diffuse blush of the dawn, from which the true features had not yet arisen. We could see only an enchanting color, under which what would have been in a few years the profile was not yet distinguished (...) Adolescence precedes absolute solidification: this is why, next to the girls, we feel that freshness that gives the show forms that change incessantly, in an unstable opposition that makes us think of that perpetual creation of the primordial elements of nature that we contemplate in front of the sea. (Marcel Proust)

Quotes by poets and not only on the adolescent phase

  • It is difficult to determine if adolescents have growing pains or growing pains. (Anonymous)
  • Young people tend to ignore the traditions of their fathers. The teenage rebellion was responsible for the most absurd customs. The more ridiculous it is in some ways, the more teens cling to it. (David Eddings)
  • I thought that everything had to give up in front of me, that the whole universe should flatter my whims, and that I had the right to satisfy them at will. (Marquis de Sade)
  • The time it takes you to understand a fourteen year old, this is 15 years old. (Robert Brault)
  • Too many kids today have straight teeth and crooked morals. (Anonymous)
  • The media, especially social networks, subject this generation of adolescents to stimuli that become even stronger than normal biological development. More than physical growth, they anticipate attitudes, behaviors, drives. And if the body is too young to have those experiences, then there is trouble. (Leo Venturelli)
  • At fourteen you don't need sickness or death from tragedy. (Jessamyn West)
  • At seventeen, the smallest crises have taken on enormous proportions; someone else's thoughts may take root in the dirt of your mind; having someone who accepts you becomes as vital as oxygen. (Jodi Picoult)
  • I think that at a certain age, say around fifteen or sixteen, poetry is like masturbation. But later in life the good poets burn their first poems, and the bad poets publish them. Thankfully I gave up pretty quickly. (Umberto Eco)

Famous actors, philosophers and personalities express themselves on adolescence

  • No one dwells on the middle period of life, the one in which the caterpillar struggles to become a butterfly. One always and only remembers crawling on the ground or taking flight ... Adolescence seems to be a phantom period, occupied only by a cumbersome subject: waiting. Yet it is the period that most leaves traces on our personality. The pains, the victories, the disappointments, the little big conquests, all those emotions experienced neither with the child's unawareness nor with the resignation of the elderly - those have formed, shaped, made us the people we are today. We should give teenagers more importance, more value, more respect. They are the butterflies that will fill the sky of our future with color. (Anton Valigt)
  • When I was a fourteen-year-old boy, my father was so ignorant that I couldn't bear to have an old man around. When I was twenty-one, I was amazed at how many things that man had learned in just seven years! (Mark Twain)
  • When you're seventeen you don't really mean it. (Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud)

  • Adolescence is a period of great ideals, perhaps confused but still strong and sincere, a period in which the human being tries to penetrate that fortress that is the world of adults and for this reason he undertakes to carry out much more difficult feats. than imagined. This is why teenagers often worry about the fate of the world, they deal with ecology, they volunteer, they participate in political demonstrations more than an adult can ever do. (Melissa P.)
  • That precarious phase of existence that is adolescence, where the newly sketched identity is not played out as in the adult between what one is and the fear of losing what one is, but in the much more dramatic gap between not knowing who you are and the fear of not being able to be what you dream of. (Umberto Galimberti)
  • Time spent badly in youth is sometimes the only freedom a person has ever had. (Anita Brookner)
  • Adolescence is the era in which experience is conquered by bites. (Jack London)
  • A boy is, of all the wild beasts, the hardest to deal with. (Plato)
  • Teenagers are girls who know more about the pill than their mothers know about birth. (Dustin Hoffman)

Thoughts and phrases on adolescence also in films

  • There is not a boy who has not gone out into the world who has not finally returned to his old home carrying a bundle of dirty clothes. (Art Buchwald)
  • A babysitter is a teenager who acts like an adult while adults are out and act like teenagers. (Author unknown)
  • In adolescence, the judgment of others is highly valued. Redness on the cheeks of the children in front of the excesses in public of the father or the mother. (Francesco Burdin)
  • Adolescence means high school, university, driving license, discos, a changing body, a verbal vocalization that changes the rhythms and tones, and the beginning of the first personal worries. It means the growth of hair on the body, bra, menstruation, first shaves and maybe even that undeserved suffering, which upsets the plans and the mind, which is acne. (Barbara Fabbroni)
  • Too chaste adolescence leads to dissolute old age. (André Gide)
  • I wish that there was no age between sixteen and twenty-three or that the youth would sleep throughout that interval; because there is nothing in between but to make girls pregnant, offend the elderly, steal and fight. (William Shakespeare)
  • A virile adolescent embryo is a stupid pre-philosophical magma with pimples in the face and suffering from seminal surplus. (Felipe Benítez Reyes)

Movies, books and more remind us of adolescence with nostalgia

  • It was fiercely beautiful the way some young males showed themselves, as if their whole being appeared through their eyes and their big noses and their clumsy limbs. (Eloisa James)
  • Snow and adolescence are the only problems that go away if we ignore them long enough. (Earl Wilson)
  • Then, over time, the wound of adolescence healed. The flaps of skin had approached, with imperceptible but continuous movements. With each new abrasion the crust gave way, but then stubbornly returned to form, darker and thicker. Finally a new layer of skin, smooth and elastic, had replaced the missing one. From red, the scar had turned white and had ended up merging with all the others. (Paolo Giordano)
  • There are adolescences that start at ninety. (Alda Merini)
  • Adolescence is the same tragedy takes place again and again. The only things that change are the props. (Lindsey Leavitt)
  • Teenager: the one who is slowly healing from childhood. (Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce)

  • Here you are, you decide that the phase of eternal adolescence is over and that it is time to grow up and you will grow up. And then everything changes and this time it will change. You will have a bigger house, a swimming pool, a garage with a parking space, an always well-kept lawn, a flowery porch and enameled doors, the dog you will call Marx and the boat you will call Giulia, you will have health assured, life assured, refrigerator always full to not feel poor, an ethnic carpet to keep you feeling young and windows from which the sun always enters ... And then you will have your happy family, your children healthy and her ... You will have her ... Who reminds you of all things beautiful that you have had. Isn't that what you've always dreamed of? (From the film The Last Kiss)
  • Remember that you are at the last stage of your teenage life when it makes you happy just knowing that the phone is ringing for you. (Fran Lebowitz)
  • The four phases of man are infancy, childhood, adolescence and obsolescence. (Art Linkletter)
  • As he gets older, the intelligent man must simulate the dogmatic safety of the adult. To protect the teenager who continues to live in him. (Nicolás Gómez Dávila)

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