Skin outgrowth: diagnosis of skin tags, main therapies and treatment of skin lesions by the dermatologist

Showing off beautiful, healthy and glowing skin is everyone's dream. Sometimes, however, small but annoying imperfections appear on our skin. By reading this article you will find out all about skin growths, skin tags. If, on the other hand, your problem is not growths but brown sunspots after vacation, watch our video and find out how to prevent their appearance and also how to mitigate them!

  1. Skin outgrowth: what are pendulous fibroids, how they arise and what are the causes of their formation over the years
  2. Skin growth: what are the symptoms caused by this lesion and how the dermatologist makes the diagnosis of a skin tag to evaluate when to remove it and with what treatment
  3. Skin growth: we take stock of the risks and all the treatments to treat skin tags
  4. Skin growth: detachment of the fibroid or surgical removal

Skin outgrowth: what are pendulous fibroids, how they arise and what are the causes of their formation over the years

They are called pendulous fibroids and are considered small "growths”Skin which in the vast majority of cases have a benign character. They are a little darker in color than the skin, they are single, you rarely find more than one in the same area of ​​the skin. They can be attached to the skin or have a small stalk. Everyone has seen one, the one that is less easy to understand are the causes that cause their appearance. The causes that cause these growths are unknown even if there is certainly a genetic-family component that justifies their frequent appearance. According to some studies they are also caused by a type of oily skin and rich in sebum, affected for example by seborrheic keratosis, according to other theories to cause the appearance of skin tags would be a hormonal component; it is no coincidence that the presence of skin tags is predominant in women after a certain age. it is caused by inaccurate skin care or excessive sun exposure. Depending on the area in which they appear, they can represent a blemish and create discomfort on an aesthetic level. They can also bleed and cause discomfort and pain. Skin tags are absolutely not contagious. They should be removed only after a "thorough dermatological examination and evaluating the pros and cons and in any case only if they cause discomfort or discomfort. But can their appearance be prevented? In part, the answer is yes. It is important to moisturize the skin, drink water. , constantly use moisturizing creams or serums: all good habits that prevent the appearance of skin tags. A daily routine of moisturizing skin care with quality products at the height of the situation helps you to keep your skin beautiful and elastic free of blemishes. Another prevention strategy is to avoid microtrauma to the prone areas, so avoid necklaces, bracelets, briefs or tight clothing. The areas most affected by these fibroids are the neck, groin and armpits, so avoid wearing anything that can rub, pinch or damage the skin.
If you have a skin tag and want to get rid of it, there are so many ways to do it, from the oldest which is surgical removal to surgical laser or even to radiofrequency that does not leave scars, does not require stitches unlike surgery and prevents bleeding. However, lasers and radiofrequency should be avoided in summer and on tanned skin, because you run the risk of eliminating the growth of the skin but leaving a whiter and therefore visible area. In any way you choose to have a skin tag removed, contact only specialized professionals and very skilled, qualified and competent aesthetic doctors!

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© iStock Foods that are good for the skin

Skin growth: what are the symptoms caused by this lesion and how the dermatologist makes the diagnosis of a skin tag to evaluate when to remove it and with what treatment

When you notice growths on your skin, you don't necessarily need to be alarmed. Only the doctor will be able to clarify their nature and explain if it is necessary to do more in-depth analyzes to avoid serious diseases such as carcinoma or melanoma. In the vast majority of cases it is generally benign pathologies that can be a little annoying but that do not hide any risk for your health. The main symptoms of a skin tag are undoubtedly itching and bleeding (sometimes even conspicuous, depending on the area). The dermatologist proceeds to make his diagnosis to a "clinical anamnesis or the patient's history. As you understand by reading this article the patient's family history can reveal if there are other people with skin tags. At this point, the dermatologist makes sure of any concomitant pathologies of the patient and the medications he takes, as well as any allergies.
The dermatologist then carries out a thorough examination with a clinical examination. Locate the skin tags, see if they have a stalk or not and what their appearance is, if they are irritated, inflamed or damaged. In most cases, blood sampling, cardiological evaluation with examination and electrocardiogram are recommended.
Only if the fibroid is very bulky does the dermatologist use a local anesthetic, such as lidocaine, to remove it. By continuing to read this article you will discover the main treatments for the removal of skin tags and also the main diagnostic techniques to distinguish them from other skin problemsii, from skin cancers such as carcinomas and melanomas to seborrheic keratoses and other skin imperfections that can cause discomfort and complicate our social life by making it difficult for the skin to be exposed not only to the sun but also to the gaze of others. Skin blemishes can be very annoying but certainly not all of them are serious, indeed we can affirm the majority of skin tags and growths of the skin is harmless. Skin cancers are much rarer, but a good dermatologist can recognize them even from a simple visit. Prevention as in all things concerning our health is the fundamental move to live peacefully: remember to get checked your moles every year to assess the risk of any suspicious injuries ch and they could degenerate into malignant forms of melanoma and submit each growth to the careful eye of the doctor to understand if he considers it necessary to investigate or remove the growth surgically in order to then be able to carry out a complete histological examination without difficulty, capable of analyzing the tissue cells taken, clarify the nature of the fibroid and avert the risk of cancer.

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Skin growth: we take stock of the risks and all the treatments to treat skin tags

We now come to the moment of removal. The patient is lying on a bed on an outpatient basis. The skin is disinfected with non-alcoholic bactericidal substances, if necessary the anesthetic ointment is applied or local subcutaneous infiltration of the chosen anesthetic is carried out and then proceeds with the removal through, for example, the laser. These are modern equipment of the latest generation, very sensitive and advanced. This is also why it is very important to rely on qualified professionals who will be able to evaluate the most suitable technique, whether laser or radiofrequency, or surgery, case by case. For example, timed and computerized radiofrequency is a very soft but effective procedure that acts in respect of the surrounding healthy skin, and is currently a preferred method for many professionals.
Another criterion for choosing the mode of intervention is the area where the pendulous fibroids are. In the case of sensitive areas, the operator will choose a laser system. In some cases it is necessary to do a biopsy: in this case it is essential to resort to the classic way, that is surgery, which allows the full thickness sampling of the neoformation in order to then be able to make an accurate histological diagnosis able to identify the best strategy postoperative. In case of a benign lesion, no further treatment or investigation will be necessary. If the histological examination were to provide instead a diagnostic doubt of malignancy, it will be necessary to establish a targeted therapeutic continuation with new investigations and new treatment methods. At that point the professional will have to continue the investigations to assess whether it is tumors, such as melanomas or carcinomas, or other minor skin conditions such as seborrheic keratoses.

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Skin growth: detachment of the fibroid or surgical removal

Most often, skin tags do not cause any problems. However, in some cases the doctor suggests taking them off if they reach a considerable size, if they bleed or become irritated, if they become entangled in clothes, hair or jewelry. If the fibroid undergoes a trauma, a total or partial detachment can occur: in that case the skin bleeds and the risk of bacterial infection increases. Never confuse nevi and fibroids. The nevi can degenerate into malignant forms, the fibroids always remain harmless.
If the dermatologist advises you to remove a skin tag it is because there is a risk of bleeding or near the eyelids (in this case they must always be removed because they obscure the vision) or on the scalp where it runs the risk of breaking every time you comb or wash your hair. hair.
As you understood by reading this article, the removal of a fibroid is simple: no anesthesia is required and no pain is felt. Removal can be done in the clinic, the doctor blocks the fibroid with forceps and tears it off with the help of a scalpel. Bleeding is normal but stops with a simple hemostat.
In the same session it is possible to eliminate even more pendulous fibroids: in a few days the patient reaches complete healing without scars. Laser and electrocoagulation can also be used to eliminate skin tags, however these treatments may leave some marks on the skin.
It is always good to remember that the appearance of pendulous fibroids and any other skin pathology must be kept under control through annual skin checks by professional dermatologists. Even moles must be monitored constantly from 18 years of age to exclude ingestion into tumors (carcinomas and melanomas) and other types of lesions due to, for example, prolonged exposure to the sun. The period of returning to the city after the holidays is a good time to make a dermatological visit and take stock of your skin, as well as foresee and plan the removal of fibroids, spots and other lesions as soon as the skin is no longer tanned .
Now you know everything about skin tags and skin treatments to eliminate them: it may seem a useless clarification but it is always better to do it, never resorting to DIY in the elimination of a skin tag even if it is very small. Remember that no one can remove a lump from the skin on their own and you risk creating permanent damage and scars (and you can't imagine how wrong it can be). So even if you find online information on how to get rid of fibroids or other growths, don't even try! When you have any skin pathology, or when you notice the presence of a pendulous fibroid or seborrheic keratosis, always contact your doctor who will be able to advise you on the type of treatment and any therapy that best suits your case and your needs!

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