Which course to start? The advice of the zodiac

The quarantine, for many, is an "opportunity to improve and enrich their personal baggage.
Cooking, music, art, sport, study and work. Some people have taken the time to search among the many online courses the right one for them based on their interests.

If you too would like to take advantage of your free time to deepen something, but you don't know exactly what, the zodiac will take care of guiding you by recommending the perfect online course to each sign.


Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: DIY and sports for fire signs

Decoupage? Dyeing clothes and sheets? Fix a tap or learn to merengue?
They are all perfect courses for the fire signs. Keeping fit and doing some DIY or learning to sew are the hobbies you need to feel active and productive!

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: cooking and marketing for the earth signs

Your culinary skills will already be significantly improved by this time, so why not deepen your knowledge with a professional course?
Also great time to study a plan that allows you to launch the business you have always dreamed of, with some marketing lessons!

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: languages ​​and digital

The air signs are looking forward to returning to travel, which is why they will focus on linguistic disciplines.
Maybe to resume a language studied long ago or to start an exotic one like Chinese.
For those who are looking to succeed in their work, the stars recommend digital courses: from marketing to creativity!

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces: naturopathy and psychology for water signs

Always connected and curious, the water signs will go crazy for some naturopathy lessons to find out how nature is our friend and can cure small discomforts.
Another perfect insight is psychology, from ho'ponopono to mindfulness passing to the classic psychology of Freud and Jung!

Tags:  In Shape Parenthood Kitchen