Food for the mind: 10 super foods to promote concentration and good mood

The brain is undoubtedly our most precious and important organ, but often, the hectic life, the commitments and the stress we are subjected to can affect its performance and limit its effectiveness. Fortunately we have precious weapons to help it and make it more brilliant. and fit. In addition to some healthy relaxation and a calmer life, nutrition also plays an essential role in our mental health.

Here is a list of 10 mind-friendly foods that can help you be fitter and healthier thanks to their extraordinary benefits, ensuring greater concentration and memory, a predisposition to a good mood and reducing the feeling of tiredness.

Before getting to know these super foods with miraculous powers, here is a video that reminds us of some virtuous foods that should never be missing on our table.

1. Oats

Taken for breakfast, oatmeal helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels, two key parameters for good brain health.
Oatmeal also helps fight anxiety, stress and other nervous system problems. Taken regularly, it improves concentration and performance in times of particular intellectual effort.

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2. Blueberries

Red fruits and blueberries in particular are an "important source of polyphenols, substances that help fight oxidative stress.
Blueberries can therefore help prevent or delay degenerative brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's. The vitamin C found in these berries also has the ability to lower lipid levels and optimize neuron function.

3. Salmon and blue fish

Salmon, tuna, mackerel or sardines are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, essential for neuronal functions. These nutrients are also effective in slowing the progression of mild cognitive decline and can help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.
They also help improve vision function.

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4. Yogurt

Yogurt, nautral or Greek, helps regulate the intestinal flora, and according to some studies there is a direct relationship between the bacteria present in the intestine and the proper functioning of our brain. This is why this food is essential for our mind, as well as than for our intestines.
This food can also greatly improve mood and counteract anxiety, stress and depression.

5. Nuts

Walnuts are rich in omega 3, omega 6 and vitamin E, three essential elements for neuronal function. These help develop memory and promote short-term learning. In addition, they have a mild antidepressant effect, as they promote the production of serotonin, a substance linked to well-being. Taking 3 nuts a day is ideal for our physical health. and mental.

6. Broccoli and green cabbage

Broccoli is a recurring food on the list of healthy products, as it is rich in benefits. Like cauliflower, cabbage or Brussels sprouts, it provides sulforaphane, an antioxidant with neuroprotective properties that helps preserve the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. In other words: it protects the brain from free radical attacks.

7. Chocolate

Chocolate, dark or over 70% cocoa, increases blood flow to the brain, improves cognitive function and releases endorphins, the hormones of happiness. This explains why we feel so good after eating it. Of course, due to its calories, it should not be abused: just one square per day, maximum two.

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8. Avocado

Like chocolate, and despite having a high calorie count, avocado helps prevent neurodegenerative problems. This superfood is high in healthy monounsaturated fats, is high in vitamin E and reduces blood pressure and inflammation. In addition, it is also rich in fiber.

9. Eggs

In addition to being an extraordinary source of protein, egg yolk contains a high amount (about 30% of the recommended intake) of choline, a fundamental substance in memory-related functions; it also contributes to the development of the fetus' brain and it is useful in the prevention of heart or liver disease.

10. Tomatoes

The lycopene contained in this superfood has proven to be an excellent ally for the prevention of many diseases such as stroke. Fresh, fried, chopped, in sauce ... you can take this vegetable in any way, its properties will remain intact.

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