Avocado, chicken, salmon: 6 delicious recipes that are good for the skin

Spring is definitely the time when taking care of your body is most worthwhile. Stop junk food and fatty foods or foods that are simply not good for us, it's time to think about us. The first step? Rethinking our diet giving a prominent role to antioxidants. Chocolate, avocado, grapes, asparagus ... there are a lot of delicious foods that contain these beneficial molecules. Their action regulates the excess of free radicals in the body and facilitates the natural regeneration of cells. By taking antioxidants, skin aging is slowed down and defenses against stress and pollution are created. A good action essential for our body. Your skin will thank you!

Menu # 1: Avocado with shrimp, chicken with almonds and chocolate and strawberry cake

You already have your mouth watering, that's normal. Contrary to popular belief, eating healthy doesn't mean eating sad things. Start with a menu that whets your appetite.

See also

5 delicious recipes for children to eat fish!

Ripe avocado: how to tell when it is (too) ripe?

6 quick recipes for an impromptu dinner with all the trimmings!

© Jupiter Avocat aux crevettes et pamplemousse

Avocado with shrimps and grapefruit: you will need 2 avocados, 1/2 lemon and 1 grapefruit, 150 g of cooked and peeled shrimp, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, some paprika and some lettuce. Once you have found all the ingredients, start by cutting the avocado in half. Remove the pulp but be careful not to cut the zest: it will serve as decoration. Cut the avocado into cubes and sprinkle with lemon. Then empty the grapefruit and add the pulp to the avocado and lemon, with the shrimp, the mayonnaise and a pinch of paprika. lettuce.

Almond Chicken: Get 4 chicken fillets, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, ginger, 140 g of almonds, an onion and a clove of garlic. Start by peeling and chopping the onion and garlic. Then put them in a pan with two tablespoons of olive oil. Add the chicken cut into strips and leave to brown for 5 minutes. Toast them for 3 minutes in a pan in which you have added the soy sauce and two teaspoons of ginger. Let it simmer for 5 minutes and serve the dish with Chinese noodles.

Strawberry chocolate cake: prepare 100 g of liquid cream, 100 g of dark chocolate, 100 g of soft butter, a tablespoon of cocoa powder, a shortcrust pastry roll and 200 g of strawberries. Preheat the oven to 210 ° C and start buttering the pan. Place the puff pastry, prick the bottom, bake for 15 minutes then let it cool.
In a saucepan, boil the cream with the cocoa, then remove it from the heat and add the chocolate cut into small pieces, and mix until smooth. Stir in the softened butter and mix gently. Arrange the strawberries on the bottom of the cake, then cover them with the chocolate cream. Dust with cocoa before serving.

Menu # 2: Salmon and grape salad, cod fillet on asparagus and peas, chocolate fondue

Second menu, also very tempting: you will no longer be able to do without these recipes rich in antioxidants.

© aufeminin.com Salade de saumon fumé aux deux raisins

Smoked salmon salad with two grapes: for this recipe you will need 50 g of dried grapes, 4 slices of smoked salmon, a bunch of white grapes, one of black grapes, 12 champignon mushrooms, some balsamic vinegar, olive oil and 200 g of mixed salad. First put the raisins to soak in a bowl of hot water. Open the grapes in half and empty them, then cut the mushrooms in half.
Arrange a few salad leaves on the bottom of four large bowls, then add a few fresh grapes, some raisins, the mushrooms and some strips of salmon. Drizzle with a spoonful of vinaigrette (olive oil and balsamic vinegar) and serve chilled!

Slices of cod with asparagus and peas: prepare 4 slices of cod, a bunch of white asparagus, 250 g of peas, a red pepper, a clove of garlic, a little parsley. Start by washing, peeling and tying the asparagus. bleach for 15-20 minutes with a little baking soda. Cook the peas for 10-15 minutes, cut the red pepper into thin strips and chop the garlic and parsley.
Pass the salted cod slices (3 minutes per side) in a pan where you have already heated the oil. Then lower the heat and cook for 5 minutes so that the fish throws out all the water; if it is too dry, add a little white wine. Turn up the heat and slowly add more oil to the pan: you will get an emulsion.
Add chilli, garlic and parsley, peas and asparagus and cook for 5 minutes. Taste and serve hot.

Chocolate fondue: Get 400g of dark chocolate, 30cl of liquid cream and an assortment of fruit of your choice. Our advice is to include citrus fruits: their freshness contrasts the sweetness of chocolate, and above all they are considered foods rich in antioxidants. Cut the fruit into wedges and arrange them in a bowl. Then cut the chocolate into pieces, bring the cream to a boil in a fondue container, then add the chocolate and turn off the heat. Wait ten minutes, turn the heat back on over low heat and enjoy your fondue!

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