Sleeping little and badly makes your hair fall out: a study confirms this

Significant alterations in the sleep / wake rhythm play an important role in hair loss. If you have problems falling, it could all be due to your lack of rest. Extensive research has revealed that in most cases the problem lies not so much in the number of hours of sleep performed, but rather in the unusual time of falling asleep or in the exposure to artificial light (including that of the smartphone) until late at night. It was therefore confirmed that the quality of sleep, together with nutrition, affect the health of the hair. In the meantime, here are some small natural remedies to prevent hair loss:

1. Follow proper nutrition

Our health, by now we know it well, depends directly on what and how much we eat. And the health of our hair is no exception. Following a balanced diet rich in omega 3 is a godsend for our body and our beloved hair.

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2. Sleep well and respect the sleep / wake rhythm

We know that sleeping 7/8 hours a night is the minimum for a correct rest. But not only that, we must also sleep well and make sure, as far as possible, to maintain a rather standard sleep routine so that our body gets used to a certain rhythm. Try it: you will reap important benefits.

3. Use the right products for each type of hair

We are not all the same, that's for sure. Our hair has quite different characteristics, a bit like our skin. And if we use specific creams and products for our face, why not do it for our hair? If they are dry and brittle, try an overnight mask to apply first. to go to sleep and rinse the next morning.If, on the other hand, our hair tends to get fat, it is good to use lighter and more natural products.

© Sephora Marchera hair overnight

4. Don't wash your hair every day

That's right, washing your hair every day is not a good idea at all. Even if you have oily hair and feel the need to wash it more often, it is good to do it every other day. In this way, the hair will be able to recover between one wash and the next. And if you feel uncomfortable, follow our tips for some clever hairstyles:

See also: Hairstyles for dirty hair - the craftiest ideas to make them look clean!

© Pinterest Hairstyles for dirty hair: all the ideal hairstyles to put off shampooing!

5. Cut !!!

The nightmare of every woman. Yet, cutting our hair helps our hair to grow back healthier and stronger. For those suffering from split ends and brittle hair, cutting is one of the solutions to contemplate. Take heart!

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