The questions to ask a boy: all those to understand what type he is

What is the question you should never ask a boy and what are the ones to ask to make him talk about himself? On a first date, or during a chat conversation, asking for this information can help you get an "idea of ​​what" he is. Here is a list of the best questions to understand his life. And when you are together, you also notice his body language ... This video shows you how to interpret it!

The questions to ask a guy on a first date

When you meet a new guy you want to know everything about him and his life but not all men love to talk about themselves. Especially if you like him, asking targeted questions about his family, relationships and friends can help you understand what he is like and find out if he can become the right person. However, especially if it's the first date and not. you still know well, for the initial questions it is better to stay on a neutral field: let him talk about his interests and the things he likes to do, tell about your daily life and try to make him open. These are some questions to ask a guy with whom you still don't have much confidence:

What's your favorite book?

What's your favorite TV series?

What is one thing you would never do again?

What are your hobbies?

What is the song you listen to most often?

Sea or mountain?

Where would you like to live if you could choose any place?

What's your worst habit?

See also

Condolence phrases: from the most formal to those suitable for friends and relatives

Questions to ask a girl: the best ones to get to know her

The questions to ask the best friend to get to know her thoroughly

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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Do you prefer to go out and be among the people or an evening at home with some friends?

Would you rather be twice as happy or twice as intelligent?

What movie would you like your ideal life to look like?

What was the moment when you gave your best?

How many phones have you broken or lost?

What wouldn't you do for five million euros?

Which animal would you like to be?

What is your nickname?

Do you believe in life after death?

Are you a nerd?

What is the "fashion" style you like best?

If you could have one super power, which one would you choose?

What's your favorite TV series?

What is the historical figure you most admire?

What do you say when you answer the phone?

What is your favorite movie?

What's the most awkward conversation you've ever had?

What is the funniest episode of your life?

What are the things that make you angry the most?

What could make you change your mind about a person?

Do you hate anyone?

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Questions to ask a guy you are most familiar with

The first date went very well, I hear you regularly in chat and everything is going in the best way. It is the right time to unleash the heavy artillery and ask these much more intimate questions than the first ones. How do you live the relationship with your family? He likes his job? What was his ex-girlfriend like? And was he ever in love? Have you ever cheated?

What was the last thing that made you cry?

What was the period of your life when you were most nervous and why?

What is one thing your parents would be surprised to find out about you?

Who is the person who knows you best?

What is the worst thing and what is the best thing about being male?

What childish thing do you still like today?

Who has irretrievably lost your respect?

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Who would you like to look like?

Were you happier a few years ago or now?

What would you change about your past?

What would have been terrible not to live?

What was the worst or scariest experience of your life?

Better to pay or ask for a favor?

What would you do if you had a week left to live?

What are your main anxieties?

You can do an extreme thing: what do you choose?

What do you do this evening?

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The questions to ask a boy to find out how love lives

If the relationship between you continues and you want to find out more about love affairs, now is the right time to ask questions about life as a couple.

If you could have a child prodigy what would you like him to be the best at?

What's the strangest thing that has ever attracted you to a woman?

Have you ever been left?

What's your ideal type?

Did you ever cheat before you got engaged?

What do you like to do with your girlfriend?

Is there anything you can't stand in a relationship?

Why have you cheated in the past?

How many other girls are you dating right now?

What's the best gift they've ever given?

Give me a compliment

What's the best thing I could say to you to make you happy?

What was your ex like?

Are you monogamous?

How many hearts have you broken?

How many times have you fallen in love?

What is the essential feature that your woman must have?

What are your love habits?

What would you change about your character?

Would you like a serious relationship?

What kind of vacation would you take with your soul mate?

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The questions to ask when he's already your boyfriend

Here are some questions to ask your boyfriend to find out if the relationship between the two of you is progressing well or if there are some unresolved issues that he is unable to express. Most couples don't talk much to each other, not least because men often don't let themselves go into sharing their feelings. With these questions you can help your boyfriend confess some secrets or help him declare his love for you. And if the answer is not what you expected? This is the risk to take when asking uncomfortable questions!

What is your favorite thing to do in bed?

And what did you like least?

Are there any parts of your body that have turned out to be taboo?

What do you like most about me?

What is, honestly, the first thing you look at in a girl?

And, limiting yourself to the face, what's the first thing you look at in a girl?

What was the thing you liked the most about me?

Is this your most serious love story?

If I say "I love you" what is your answer?

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Do you think women are the same as men?

Do you like children?

Which actress would you define yourself in love with?

What do you think a person should do to be called mature?

When you break up with a girl, would you like to be friends with her or never see her again?

Do you think that a betrayal can be forgiven, under certain circumstances?

What's the thing that bothers you the most about a girl?

What do you think about guys dating girls taller than them?

What do you think about guys dating girls older than them?

What do you think about jealousy?

How much do you miss your ex?

Do you think marriage is forever?

What's the funniest thing we've done together?

What do you love to do when you are as a couple?

Someone tries with me: what's your reaction?

What is the thing that could be an obstacle between us?

You can make a wish for our relationship - what do you ask?

Do you think maintaining good relationships with all exes is important?

Tags:  Love-E-Psychology Women-Of-Today In Shape