Must-sees: the 4 things you need to do after making love

Sexual intercourse brings us a myriad of different sensations, both emotionally and physically. Especially for this area, it is possible to feel really drained of any energy after having concluded the embrace. This lack of strength would lead us to fall asleep directly as we are, especially if the night of passion was very exciting and at least one of the sexual aspects that every couple should try every now and then was put in place ...

However, before letting yourself be lulled into the world of dreams, you must never forget to do these 4 things!

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1. Go to the bathroom

Often we cannot avoid going to the bathroom after making love. In fact, more often than not you start to feel a lot of pressure on your bladder after consuming intercourse.This is because part of the urethra is stimulated by the thrust of the penis during sex, which means we have to go to the bathroom.

Going to the bathroom after sex is also important for another reason: it eliminates the bacteria that can cause cystitis. Especially women who are prone to urinary tract infections should remember this.

What many women do not know, however, is that a full bladder can also increase the pleasure of sex, as it presses against the vagina inside and activates the pelvic floor. As a result, sex is perceived by many women as even more enjoyable. However, you should check for yourself whether a full bladder is pleasant for you during intercourse.The urge to urinate doesn't have to be so strong that you can focus on it alone.

Interesting for anyone who wants to have children: Going to the bathroom after sex does not reduce the chances of getting pregnant. Because it doesn't matter if you lie down or go pee - the probability of the egg being fertilized is the same.

2. Pampering

Having sex, rolling on your side and falling asleep are typical actions of the cold, aloof man cliché. In fact, many women also belong to the camp of people who oppose cuddling. What about you? If so, you should try to change that aspect! American researchers at the University of Toronto Mississauga found that postcoital cuddling improves long-term relationship.

Just 15 minutes of post-coital pampering will make both partners more satisfied. While we women feel more connected to our partner thanks to pampering, men find their sex life more satisfying. So cuddling after sex is a win-win situation!

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3. Think about sex

It sounds trivial, but it's important that you think about sex. If it was cool and exciting, ask yourself what made it so amazing. Think in your head about the position you liked the most or the one you haven't tried yet. Experiencing positive things in your thoughts again is a psychological trick. it helps you to be basically happier and more satisfied.

However, it's also possible that the sex was just "passable" or maybe even bad. Even then you should get to the bottom of the feelings. Maybe you didn't feel like it? Was the foreplay too short or the sex too violent? Or maybe you were suffering? Making it clear to yourself after sex what you thought was good and what you thought was less good helps you improve your sex life. Which leads directly to the fourth thing you should do after sex ...

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4. Talk about what it was like

If the sex has been great and your partner has given you complete satisfaction, then tell them. We all like to hear when we have done something good. According to sex therapists, talking openly about sex strengthens the bond with your partner and improves your long-term sex life. By the way, this is also true in the opposite case, that is, when you didn't really like something during sex.

In case you have to make a criticism, the important thing is that you are sensitive and report your feelings without blaming your partner. Phrases such as "You came too soon" or "I didn't come because of you" are absolutely to be avoided. Instead, try to describe in a sensitive but honest way how it was for you and how you can improve what didn't make you feel so good in the future together.

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