Because salt is bad for you

Ambivalent foods

The pros. Salt, (ie sodium chloride), is necessary for the functioning of the body. In particular, it is thanks to the potassium / sodium balance that the body's water balance is achieved. If you don't consume enough salt, you can become dehydrated. On the other hand, salt is essential for gustatory pleasure, as it serves to enhance the flavor of food. Without salt, the dishes seem insipid.

The cons. Taking too much salt (more than 4-5 grams per day) is harmful to health: it hurts the stomach, increases the amount of calcium in the kidneys and, above all, increases the risk of arterial hypertension, is a source of heart and brain diseases. Excessive consumption of salt also promotes water retention and the formation of edema. Finally, salt stimulates the appetite: the saltier a dish, the more you want to continue eating it. Salt can therefore, even if indirectly, be responsible for weight gain.

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The reasons for the excessive consumption of salt

It can be said that the abuse of salt is not caused by the constant presence of the salt shaker on our tables, but rather by the quantity of salt present in the food. Three quarters of the sodium chloride we ingest, in fact, derive from salty products during their artisanal or industrial preparation: bread and bakery products, cold cuts, cheeses, ready meals, pizzas, savory pies, canned soups, sandwiches, cereals and even fruit juices, soft drinks, sugary dairy products, biscuits ... Here are some examples:

100 g of ketchup = 4 g of salt

1 bowl of soup (250 ml) = 2.5 gr

1 slice of pizza (200 gr) = 2.6 gr

50 gr of cornflakes = 1 gr

1 slice of raw ham (45 gr) = 0,8 gr

1 fruit yogurt = 0.2 gr

150 gr of smoked herring = 2 gr

1 chocolate puff = 0.4 gr

6 wafer type biscuits = 0.5 gr

The secrets for decreasing the amount of salt

Consuming less salt is necessary if you want to preserve your health. To do this, just change your habits and, above all, resist even if the diet seems insipid. After about 3-4 weeks, the taste buds will become more sensitive to the salty taste and will be satisfied with less salt.

- Remove the salt shaker from the table. We often add more salt to dishes after tasting! It is better to salt in the kitchen: put only the necessary salt. Avoid using coarse salt, whose bulky crystals favor over-consumption. It is better to opt for "fake salts", mixtures of salt and spices, sometimes enriched with vitamins, minerals ... (you can find them in pharmacies and supermarkets).

- Moderate the consumption of salty foods. Beware of the abuse of cured meats, cheeses, preserves, ready meals. Go easy on the mineral water.

- Avoid dishes that contain more than 1g of salt per serving. Often, the salt content is indicated on the label or, if not, it can be calculated by multiplying that of sodium by 2.5.

- Scam. For the most part, salt can be replaced by seasonings, flavorings and spices that have the power to enhance the taste of foods.

- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Their richness in potassium partially neutralizes the harmful effects of sodium.

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