Brush your teeth well

Why brushing your teeth is important

The drinks and foods we ingest, full of acids and dyes that add to the natural pH of saliva, make the mouth a real nest of bacteria, which are the cause of tartar, tooth decay, enamel wear and gum inflammation. Although it is inevitable that over time the teeth will deteriorate and yellow, it is still possible to delay this process for as long as possible by brushing and brushing your teeth regularly and effectively.

See also

How to keep your teeth white?

How to remove tartar from teeth without going to the dentist

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As soon as your toothbrush has its bristles spread, even just slightly, it's time to buy a new one. The right frequency to change your toothbrush would be once a month. Also avoid using a toothbrush with hard bristles, which are too aggressive for the nail polish: choose a model with medium bristles or, if you have sensitive gums, soft.

The electric toothbrush is highly recommended: the rotating head reaches everywhere and the rotating movement guarantees effective washing.

Always keep your teeth clean

  • The technique: always brush the lower and upper arches separately, tilt the brush 45 ° in the direction of the gum and perform rotational movements from top to bottom. Then move on to the inner surface of the teeth, not forgetting those at the back of the mouth. Finally, finish by brushing your tongue too, to remove deposits and have fresh breath. Keep in mind that the movements must be energetic, but the pressure must remain gentle so as not to attack the enamel and the gums.
  • Duration:4 minutes, i.e. one minute for each arch (lower and upper, external and internal).
  • The frequency: after each meal (in principle, therefore, in the morning, at noon and in the evening; in the worst case, at least in the morning and in the evening).
  • And when you can't brush your teeth? Chewing sugar-free chewing gum helps limit acid attacks, but isn't as effective.
  • The cunning: always have a collapsible toothbrush and travel toothpaste in your bag so you can freshen your mouth at the office or after a restaurant meal.

How to keep your teeth white?

Some advice

  • The toothbrush must be for personal use, otherwise at risk of a proliferation of microbes.
  • Use a suitable toothpaste (herbal, anti-plaque, fluoride) and avoid whitening toothpastes as they contain silicon, which weakens the enamel.
  • After each wash, remove stubborn food residues with dental floss, being careful not to injure the gums.
  • If you have sore gums, finish it off with an antiseptic mouthwash, which you can buy at the pharmacy.
  • Once or twice a week, add a little baking soda to the toothpaste: it will help eliminate the most stubborn surface stains.
  • Once a year, make an appointment with your dentist for a whitening.

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