I am from Cancer and these are my worst faults

Stubborn as a ... Cancer!

Cancer is undoubtedly the most capricious sign of the zodiac. If you are with a Cancer you will have to be very patient, because he is moody and changes mood easily.
In the same way he can change his mind very quickly and has the annoying tendency to cry a bit "on him ... And" often convinced, in fact, that the whole world is plotting against him!

A Cancer keeps his snout all day ...

See also

Dear Gemini, you are adorable, but these are your worst flaws!

Cancer: here are all the characteristics and mysteries of the zodiac sign

Cancer ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Cancer often lacks a bit of lightness. He can be really sensitive and can't stand that someone can make fun of him, not even as a joke. It is practically impossible to tell a Cancer what you really think of him without hurting him deeply! In fact, he is unable to control his emotions in any context, family or professional. From this point of view, life together with a Cancer is not at all easy ...

Cancers are too attached to their family

Classic children of mothers, Cancers are tremendously attached to their family of origin. It is as if they still lived in their childhood and it is difficult to make them grow up and convince them to detach. After all, all their crying, self-pitying and throwing tantrums is linked to this childish spirit that makes them capricious and moody. If you are not going to bond with their relatives, you had better stay away from them, because for them it is really essential!
And will they be as loyal to their partner as to their family of origin? Find out in our video ...

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