Liquid diet: what it is and an example of a typical menu

As the word itself says, solid foods are eliminated in the liquid diet in favor of liquid solutions, such as centrifuged, soups and smoothies. Herbal teas, infusions and teas are also welcome within this diet, as long as they are unsweetened. Here are some types of tea to choose from in the video below to ensure some variety and ensure proper hydration.

Loved by many stars, including Miranda Kerr, Salma Hayek and Gwyneth Paltrow, this particular diet needs some recommendations: firstly, it cannot be followed by everyone, then, it must be done for a limited period of time and following rules specifications, as we will see shortly.

Being based on liquids, its menus will mainly consist of soups, soups, vegetable creams, smoothies, centrifuged and yoghurt. It can be more biased towards fruit or vegetables, depending on personal tastes. Some variants also include the addition of a small amount of solid or semi-solid foods, such as cereals and fiber, to be consumed preferably at dinner.

See also

Cabbage Soup Diet: Scheme, Benefits, and Disadvantages of the 7-Day Diet

Six Pack Abs: Exercises and Diet for Fast Results!

Love handles: how to eliminate them with exercises and diet

Liquid diet: when to do it

Let us now address an essential aspect: in which cases it can be done and for how long.
As anticipated, it is a type of diet that cannot be done for more than 2 or 3 days, after which 4 maintenance days can follow.

It is indicated for example, after the Christmas holidays, in general following binges or in periods in which there is a little excess with food and before the summer, to lose weight quickly in view of the costume fitting, but always paying extreme attention and following the recommendations of doctors.

You can also choose to do it for just one day if you feel the need to detoxify the body and regain some well-being.

It is also not recommended for those who are slightly overweight, if not for a "single restorative detox day. Instead, it is decidedly more effective for those who are overweight over 8 kg: it can be a good initial solution to lose the first 3-4 kg and then proceed with other specific diets.

The liquid diet is also recommended for post-operative or after gastric dosage, but in these cases it is necessary to strictly follow the protocols recommended by the attending physician.

How does it work

This diet provides for the intake of liquid food for a maximum of 2-3 days followed by a maintenance phase, generally 4 days, in which solid foods are added in small quantities.

Soon we will see the menus of the first days and the one planned for the second phase.

What to eat: rules and prohibitions

We have said that in the liquid diet you stock up on fruit and vegetables, but be careful, not all vegetables are allowed. We see below the most suitable in the two phases of the diet, along with other recommendations.

The first 3 days

  • Avoid soups, creams, minestrone and smoothies that contain carbohydrates, such as potatoes, carrots and legumes, including broad beans and peas.
  • The most suitable vegetables to make creams and centrifuged are: onions, leeks, cabbage, cabbage, zucchini, spinach, chard.
  • Among the fruits, exclude the banana and apricot.
  • You can drink coffee as long as it is not sweetened, but sweetened with honey.
  • You can season your centrifuged or soups with extra virgin olive oil, lemon and vinegar, but absolutely avoid salt, along with vegetable nut-based broths, because they can cause water retention.

The remaining 4 days: the maintenance phase
At this time it is allowed to introduce the excluded fruit and vegetables in the first phase.

Typical menu for a day

Here is an example of a menu for the first phase which, we remind you, must not exceed three days in duration.

Breakfast: fruit juice, better orange or grapefruit, obviously unsweetened + a cup of herbal tea, infusion or tea.
Snack: mixed fruit smoothie of your choice (except banana apricot), unsweetened and preferably at room temperature.
Lunch: mixed vegetable puree, preferably green leafy (to be avoided potatoes, legumes or pasta) + herbal tea - ideal, that of fennel or anise.
Snack: a sugar-free fruit juice (ideal orange, pineapple or peach) + vegetable juice or fruit smoothie with the addition of a little milk.
Dinner: vegetable puree, preferably with green leaves + 120 gr of chicken or fish.

An example of a menu for the maintenance phase

In this phase, which marks the transition from a "liquid diet to a return to a normal diet, carbohydrates and proteins are inserted again.

Breakfast: herbal tea or fruit smoothie + three wholemeal biscuits.
Mid-morning snack: yogurt or fruit juice.
Lunch: vegetable juice or fruit smoothie + salad dressed with extra virgin olive oil and a 50-60 gram wholemeal sandwich.
Mid-afternoon snack: a fruit of your choice
Dinner: vegetable puree or vegetable centrifuged + a portion of 150 grams of protein (choice between lean fish or lean meats, such as chicken and turkey) and an unsweetened fruit salad.

The pros and cons of the liquid diet


  • It is a purifying and slimming liquid diet able to detoxify the body and free it from toxins and waste.
  • It can be repeated throughout the year.
  • It allows you to lose even 2-3 kilos in a few days (but, as mentioned, it can only be done for a maximum of three days in a row).


  • It is considered an unbalanced diet from a nutritional point of view, moreover it involves a lack of calories and does not meet the natural needs of carbohydrates, salts, vitamins and fibers. For this reason it must absolutely not be followed for a period exceeding three days.
  • As mentioned, it makes you lose weight quickly, but it is the loss of lean mass, which means that when you go back to eating normally, you quickly gain the lost pounds. This is why it is more suitable as a lightning solution after binge eating and with the specific intent of purifying the body.

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