Coronavirus: what it is and what are the really useful precautions

It looks like the plot of a TV series or a survival video game, but unfortunately it's all true!
The coronavirus (COVID-19) is the main topic of the world news and, in recent days, also of the Italian ones after the increase of the infected in our country.

But are we talking about a lethal pandemic or a "just more serious than average flu? Is it really useful to wear surgical masks?"
Let's see together what are the most useful guidelines to follow!
First, let's remember to wash our hands:

What is the coronavirus and how is it transmitted?

COVID-19 is part of the coronavirus family, i.e. viruses that can infect both some animals and humans. These are different viral forms that start from the common cold up to more severe respiratory syndromes. The largest number of cases has been recorded in China but it is also expanding to the rest of the world, but this does not mean that all Chinese are virus carriers!
The spread of the virus and contagion occur mainly by direct contact, or through the exchange of saliva or by touching the mouth, nose and eyes with contaminated hands (which is why it is essential to wash them often).

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Symptoms of the coronavirus

As we said, coronaviruses have different strains and in the same way they have symptoms that vary from person to person. It can be lightly contracted and look like a common cold, or a sore throat or coughing fits. In more severe cases it takes the form of pneumonia.
The fatality rate of the virus is close to 0% and always depends on the basic health conditions of the infected person.
The people most at risk are the elderly, especially if they already have serious medical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease.
In summary: the healthier you are and the more attentive to common hygiene rules, the less you are exposed to the risk of getting sick, but this applies to any type of flu!

What is the surgical template used for?

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As if it were a disturbing new fashion, cities are full of people wearing a surgical mask, confident that it will be enough to avoid contagion. Too bad it is only useful if the sick wear it!
The mask, in fact, serves to avoid infecting others and not to stop the virus in case you are healthy.
If you think you are sick, go ahead and wear it, it is absolutely appreciated (buy a multipack on Amazon).
If, on the other hand, you are healthy and want to avoid contagion, it is preferable (and much more useful) to use disposable gloves (you can find them at this link), especially if you work in a commercial establishment and handle food or money but also to take public transport which already under normal conditions are known not to be among the cleanest places in the world!

A few rules to better overcome this period

1. Avoid psychosis: we will not all die, it is evident. Keep calm and follow the instructions of the competent authorities who try to limit the infection to get us back to normal as soon as possible

2. Pay attention to hygiene: it is never obvious to say it, but washing your hands often and avoiding putting in the mouth or on the eyes saves us from any virus, all year round. If you are away from home, take a hand sanitizer gel with you (you can find it on Amazon).

3. Avoid crowded places when possible: many companies, especially in northern Italy, have already implemented a smart working policy to prevent employees from taking crowded vehicles. Schools are also closed and avoiding going to places such as shopping malls, stadiums and discos could be useful to limit the infection and bring the problem back.

4. If you think you are sick: absolutely do not go to the emergency room or to the family doctor. Call 112 or 1500, the number set up specifically for emergencies, and wait for information from the competent authorities!

5. The worst virus is racism: beware of the most dangerous evil of all. Racism is the virus that causes a very high number of victims and in situations like these it is really easy to be infected.
The coronavirus is not "the fault of the Chinese" nor "the virus of the Chinese". Be respectful towards everyone, always. What if we were under the magnifying glass?

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