This mom shares her daughter's photos to fight prejudice (photos)

We often avoid talking about topics that make us suffer. It also happens that they are censored, as in the case of this advertisement.

Kate, on the other hand, has decided to make her voice heard.
In her blog, Twelve and Six, Katie talks about her own life and that of her daughter Charlie Crenshaw. The baby is six months old and was born with a benign tumor on her face. It is a capillary hemangioma also called "strawberry" due to its particular conformation.
The young mother wants to point out that "Charlie is Charlie, you don't need to keep commenting or asking questions. The hemangioma may not go away but I would prefer to discuss with you his latest feat, his extraordinary smile and his magnificent eyes.'.

See also

30 photos prove that love is in the little things

Do these photos disgust you? Scientists are wondering why

© Katie Crenshaw Little Charlie

"Keep your judgments to yourselves: my daughter is beautiful"

This birthmark on her face is an integral part of her little girl and Katie often hears other mothers saying phrases like "Too bad, I hope it goes away soon" or "She'd be so pretty if she didn't ...'.
And "to them he would like to answer:"Instead of praying that it disappears, I encourage you to hope that when she grows up she has confidence in herself, that she loves herself ... Keep your judgments to yourself, my daughter is beautiful'.
The problem therefore is not the hemangioma but the looks of the people around it.

Katie gained her notoriety thanks to Instagram where she shares her daughter's photos ... without ever retouching them.

Tags:  Love-E-Psychology Actuality Marriage