Pill: 98% do not know it

Although it has been talked about a lot and has been discussed for some time, 98% of European women do not fully understand how the contraceptive pill works. The data comes from a research conducted in some European countries such as Germany, France and Romania, which highlights how only 2% of women are clear about the pros and cons of female contraceptive par excellence.

In fact, there are many doubts, perplexities and above all preconceptions regarding this drug: the most common thought is that it causes diseases and that over time it may be the cause of the onset of tumors.

The professor of the La Sapienza University of Rome, Francesco Primiero, is keen to clarify that the data that emerged from various studies go in the opposite direction. The professor speaks of how the results relating to tests carried out on 46,000 women, followed for almost 40 years, have shown that those who choose the pill as a contraceptive have a "higher life expectancy.

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However, Professor Primiero would like to mention the benefits of the contraceptive pill, such as regulating the menstrual cycle and helping to solve skin problems such as adolescent acne. It should also not be forgotten that with the passing of the years and thanks to scientific innovations, the risks of taking the drug have considerably reduced.

Whether you choose it as a contraceptive or not, it is essential to be informed: if you do not feel like talking about it with your doctor, you can opt for the counseling centers, located throughout Italy. Remember, however, that the contraceptive pill, despite the doubts and benefits, always remains a drug, which must be taken after an appropriate visit and the necessary analyzes and which can only be purchased on prescription.

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