How to stop being obsessed with him who doesn't want you

He doesn't want you, he left you, you never took you into consideration: we don't know where the fulcrum of rejection comes from, but rejection drives us crazy. We obsess about what we cannot have, our indispensable Ithaca. But how hard is it to channel attention and energy towards someone who does not want them? Obsession is a way of doing that eats us from the inside: so how to stop? Because the more we try, the more we fail and therefore the more we try again, like a dog chasing its tail. Also because it is useless to pretend indifference, obsessions always attract us, just like it happens here:

In short, the solution is to learn to stop being obsessed, gradually, with patience and constancy, by following these steps:

See also

Stop working: how to do it and live (finally) happy!

Overthinking: how to stop overthinking and start enjoying life

Phrases about loneliness: thoughts and famous aphorisms about "being alone

1. Ask yourself why you can't stop thinking about him

Objectively analyze the reason for so much charm. What if it's just pure addiction? It is not easy to rationalize, but doing it helps to distinguish priorities and your real needs: do you need someone who makes you feel inadequate? I'm not saying you should stop thinking about him, but at least knowing why you do it. Awareness is the first step in respecting yourself.

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2. Eliminate all its traces

If you really want to quit, then get rid of the memories. Remove puppets, photos, phone numbers, stop spasmodic searches on social media, that's enough. Take care of yourself and your needs, and always remember that: the eye does not see and the heart does not hurt. If, on the other hand, you can't stop feeding the fire of this passion yourself, looking for it relentlessly, then maybe it means that you want to continue to suffer and hurt yourself alone?
Eliminate it. Without destroying, put everything that tells you about him on standby.

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3. Create spaces where he doesn't exist

Travel, gym, new job, new hobby, evenings with friends: created spaces where he doesn't exist. There will be no room for sharing, because the new experiences will be yours alone. At the beginning you will not be able to not want to share these new experiences: in the end you will understand that they are worth much more, precisely because they are only yours.

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And if you just can't do it alone, try to distract yourself like that