Why do certain things become the loves of our life?

In collaboration with Reebok

We are surrounded by important things that we call "classics". In most cases they have become so without us realizing it and have practically always been part of our daily life. The classics are such because they have traveled through history full of values ​​and a heritage that meets with the present and projects itself to the future in an unstoppable flow. What was a novelty yesterday, today has become a classic because it has stood out over time, maintaining a unique and distinguishable strength and identity that automatically makes us think of #ThisIsClassic. But why do these things last over time and become classics?

One thing turns into a classic because it is loaded with values

An object, a film, a song, an item of clothing, everything can turn into a classic. But we don't choose it independently, we don't define it, it's the thing itself that presents itself over time as a true classic. it happens because things are loaded with values, shared by many, and become their symbol, carrying these values ​​over time, up to the present day. #ThisIsClassic because it speaks of shared values.

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Because it perfectly represents the history of that time

A classic contains shared values, of course, but it is also the spokesperson of a historical period because it perfectly represents its essence. This essence, even if it is continually renewed in contact with the present, sends us back to moments that, unconsciously, we continue to remember in a positive way. We will continue to hum that song forever but the feeling of joy, freedom, nostalgia, will remain anchored to that period even after many years. #ThisIsClassic because it is memorable.

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Because it becomes identity

Being loaded with values ​​and carrying his own heritage over time, a classic becomes a point of reference for those who share those values. Those who choose a particular classic do so because they identify with it, because only in it do they find those sensations and only associate certain memories with it. A classic, over time, becomes the representative of all those who have chosen it and will choose it, continuing to perform its function uninterruptedly. #ThisIsClassic because it creates aggregation.

Because it never stops pleasing

Those who choose a classic choose it consciously, they choose it because they feel that it responds to their aspirations, their values. But he also chooses it with a hint of instinct and "gut", unconsciously associating it with something beautiful. A classic over time retains this beauty, its unique characteristics, adapting them to the times and to new values. Precisely because of this ability to reinterpret itself, a classic never ceases to please and to represent a must over time! #ThisIsClassic because its beauty has no age.

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