How to cook an egg?

Fried egg
In a pan, heat a knob of butter or a teaspoon of oil. Once the butter or oil is hot, break the egg into a pan, being careful not to pierce the yolk. Salt the egg white so that it coagulates better, season with pepper, and let the egg cook for 2 to 3 minutes over low heat. You can spread the egg white with a spatula. Remove from the heat before the egg white turns dark or begins to bubble.

But, before proceeding, make sure you are familiar with all the benefits and properties of eggs.
Here is a video that summarizes them all.

See also

How to cook pasta in 5 simple steps

The egg bazzotto
Gently dip the egg into a pot of boiling water, over the heat. Let it pass six minutes, without waiting for boiling to resume. Using a slotted spoon, take the egg out of the water and immerse it in cold water to stop cooking. Gently roll the egg on a surface: crackles will form. Shell it and pass it under cold water. It must be soft to the touch.

Soft-boiled egg
Boil a pot of water. Gently dip the egg. Cover and cook for 3 minutes after the water has started to boil again. Remove the egg with the help of a slotted spoon and pass it under cold water and serve it in an egg cup. Eat it without waiting: tap the egg "hat" with a knife, season with salt and pepper and accompany it with croutons.
It is possible to prepare soft-boiled eggs in advance and store them in warm water.

Scrambled eggs
Grease a thick-bottomed pan, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Break the eggs into a cup, beat them lightly with a whisk or spatula and pour them into the pot. Cook them over very low heat without ever stopping mixing them, until the consistency becomes creamy. You can finish, after removing the pan from the fimma, incorporating some small pieces of butter.

Hard-boiled eggs
Boil some water. Then gently dip the egg. Calculate 8 minutes from the resumption of boiling.
Take the egg out with the help of a slotted spoon and pass it under cold water. To peel it, roll it onto the counter. The egg must be hard to the touch and the yolk completely cooked.

Break the eggs into a cup, add salt and pepper. Beat them with a fork or whisk.
Melt a small piece of butter in the pan. When it crackles, pour the beaten eggs in one go. While cooking, stir by bringing the outer parts towards the center of the pan. Turn off the heat when the omelette is the way you want it (slightly moist or well done).
Freely add herbs, cheese, vegetables ...

Poached egg
Bring the water to a boil to which you have added a tablespoon of vinegar. Meanwhile, break the eggs into a small saucepan. When the water boils, overturn the pan with a sharp blow into the pot. With a slotted spoon or spatula, collect the strands of egg white around the yolk. The water should not boil strongly, because this would risk dispersing the egg white in the water. Cook for 2 minutes. Remove the egg from the pot with a slotted spoon and immerse it in cold water to stop cooking. Remove the excess egg white filaments.

Baked eggs (bain-marie)
Heat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Butter a pan that can go into the oven and add a base of liquid cream, herbs and break the egg into it, without piercing the yolk. Put the pan on a plate and fill the plate with water, up to half the height of the pan. Put everything in the oven and cook in a bain-marie, for 10-15 minutes. Follow the cooking carefully and as soon as the egg white seems cooked, remove the dish from the oven. Serve accompanied by croutons.

To know
- To cook in water, boil a drop of vinegar with the water, which is used to coagulate the egg white in case cracks form in the shell.
- To find out if an egg is fresh or not, put it in the water: if it floats, it means that it was laid more than 6 weeks ago!

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