Lybridos, the viagra for women

If you are among them and you live your situation well, no problem.If, on the other hand, the fact of no longer perceiving any sexual instinct or desire creates discomfort, moodiness and depression, know that - for women - a new medicine is coming, a real female viagra that, unlike those already in commerce, not only promises to "awaken" the body, but also the psyche and the mind.

It is called Lybridos, it was created by Emotional Brain, and its arrival on the shelves is scheduled for 2016. Unlike male viagra, which acts exclusively on the "mechanics", Lybridos will contain buspirone, initially created to combat anxiety disorders , which increases the levels of the hormone of desire and dopamine, a substance that controls pleasure and attraction.

In addition to this the pink pill is also supposed to enhance and promote sexual physical response, such as blood flow to the genitals and lubrication.

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