20 ideas to wish Happy Easter to everyone: rhymes, poems and nursery rhymes chosen for you

We all did it when we were little: in class or at home we worked hard to learn poems or nursery rhymes in view of the most important occurrences of the year. Today you may find yourself asking your kids the same thing. Difficult undertaking? Not at all: little ones like to listen to rhyming lines! If you can turn this moment of study into play, the road will be downhill. Find out all the importance of the game to them below.

Poems for children: with practice you learn

Poetry texts and nursery rhymes are really fundamental for the cognitive development of the child: the rhythm of the chants and the musicality of the words contained in them allows the attention of the little ones to be catalyzed in the best way and the best thing is that in "listening to them have a lot of fun!

However, if it is necessary for the school to learn a text by heart, approach them and take the time to read something together. It does not have to be a rhythmic text at the beginning; depending on the age of the child you can choose the most suitable story or a captivating short story.

The important thing is that the children listen to you read, but if you opt for poetry even better: all the concepts, new words and present teachings are memorized and repeated more easily by the children, precisely because of their particular connotation.

In this way you will be able to calmly approach them to reading independently, and later to the mnemonic exercise.

Each nursery rhyme of our childhood contains one or more values ​​and is full of magic: find out in this collection which Easter poems for children we have selected for you. To read together or to learn with the teacher and classmates, to wish a happy Easter to whoever you want.

See also

Carnival nursery rhymes: the most beautiful rhyming poems for children

DIY Easter Eggs: 10 beautiful and easy-to-use decorations

The most beautiful author's poems to dedicate to Mother's Day

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5 famous poems about Easter

There are many writers who wanted to spend a few words to dedicate to Easter. The best known authors of children's poems in this field are Gianni Rodari, Giovanni Pascoli and Roberto Piumini.
To impress guests at the Easter lunch with a great home decor, you can print and laminate the texts, so as to make them original place cards (in short version) or the cover of the Easter menu; a real treat to convey your wishes in an original way.

For each song you will find a small explanation.

1) From the "Easter egg by Gianni Rodari
From the Easter egg
a chick came out
of orange chalk
with the blue beak.
He said: "I'm going,
I start traveling
and I bring to everyone
a great message ".
And whirling
here and there
towns and cities
wrote on the walls,
in the sky and on the ground:
"Long live peace,
down with the war ".

Rodari sees Easter as a day dedicated to peace. There is an egg long awaited by children and which contains a chick, the symbol of an "important revelation: the resurrection is a moment of recollection, during which to rediscover the values ​​that matter most, such as universal peace.

2) The Sunday of the olive tree (from Myricae) by Giovanni Pascoli
The birds have accomplished this day
the nest (today is the feast of the olive tree)
of dry leaves, briars, twigs;
the one on the cypress, this one on the laurel,
to the woods, along the brook of a river,
in the "shadow moved by" a flickering of gold.
And they hatch on moss and lichen
staring dumbly at the crystalline sky,
with sudden heartbeats, if it comes
a hum of a bee, a vol of a beetle.

Pascoli declares that this poem of his originates from a proverb: "On the Sunday of the olive tree, every bird makes its nest." Loaded with allegorical images, in the poem we are faced with many natural elements such as the cypress, the stream, the moss and the olive tree.

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3) Jesus by Giovanni Pascoli
And Jesus saw again, beyond the Jordan,
campaigns under the reaper remorse,
his day was not far off.
And the women stood in the doors
of the houses, saying: Hail, Prophet!
He thought about the day of his death.
He sat down in the shadow of a goal
of wheat, and said: Except he who hides
bury the seed, it will not be the reaper.
He spoke of granaries in the skies:
and you, children, ran around him
with dry brown stalks in their heads.
He held those heads to his breast
brunettes; and Cephas spoke: If you sit there,
I fear for your unseemly garment;
He embraced his little heirs:
-The son Judah whispered quickly-
of a thief, or Rabbi, there is between 'feet:
Barabbas is named after his father, who is on the cross
will die.- But the Prophet, looking up
-No-, he murmured with the shadow in his voice,
and took the child on his knees.

Compared to the previous one, this poem by Pascoli is less known, but in it we can recognize the religiosity of the poet who imagines the Lord shortly before dying. Piece from the peasant context very dear to the writer, who in fact recurs in several of his famous poems.

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4) The Martian chick by Gianni Rodari
I saw, at Easter, disembark
from the chocolate egg
a Martian chick.
Certainly the commander
of that flying egg
of sugar and cocoa
with his paw he waved goodbye.
And the cat. For the surprise
he didn't even say, "Meow."

Rodari's most famous poem about Easter features a tender chick, a representation of the Lord. Among the 5 rhymes proposed in this section it is probably the only one suitable for young children, primary school and kindergarten.
5) It is Easter of Roberto Piumini
At Easter
Of the past year
A balloon
I had escaped.
I had escaped
High in the sky,
I looked at him
And I was crying.
Even this year
A balloon has flown
But I laughed
Happy and blessed.
The balloon
He went up there
But I this year
I don't cry anymore.

A simple text in verse at the center of which there is a particular object, a balloon that has flown into the sky and has never returned to its small owner. Perfect to print and hold when recited in front of class or relatives.

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5 short poems about Easter

The rhyming texts do not have to be long, also because many nursery rhymes are dedicated to the world of the little ones. So here are 5 ideas to wish Happy Easter in a simple and sung way: rhythmic poems suitable for children in kindergarten.

1) O sweet Easter
O sweet Easter
carry Peace in every heart
gives hope together with love.
Make all grudges disappear
May Peace reign in every region!
Happy Easter.

2) IT'S HOLIDAY, it's Easter!
It's a holiday, it's Easter,
wake up friends!
Surprise eggs,
the swallows and the flowers,
cheer Easter
of vivid colors.
But the best gift
for us all it is
have peace and love
at the bottom of the heart!

3) Easter
Surprise eggs,
the swallows and the flowers,
cheer Easter
of vivid colors.
But the most beautiful gift,
best gift,
peace brings him
at the bottom of the heart.

4) Easter.
There is a small house on the hill
with peach blossoms and a little girl.
There is a small church with bells,
they play loud and feel distant;
they play in celebration and shine in the sun;
it is Easter day, the Lord has risen.

5) Happy Easter
Happy Easter to all children:
the distant ones and the close ones,
to the children of the whole world
to whom we extend our sincere wishes!

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5 Easter nursery rhymes for children in English

Celebrating Easter even during English lessons is a great way to let students learn a few new words, while having fun together! Here are some short poems in language with an international flavor.

1) Trees, fruits and flowers
Trees, fruits and flowers
have new colors,
red, yellow and green.
it's Easter
it's spring
and I see
beautiful everything!

2) Easter bells are ringing
Easter bells are ringing
with a ding-dong-dong
anf Easter Bunny's coming.
Let's sing a song-song-song
so that he comes jumping
on his legs, legs, legs
with a little basket swinging
full of eggs-eggs-eggs.

3) Easter
Easter is time
for peace and love,
for spring and nature!
the sky os blue,
flowers are red,
leaves are green!

4) Easter Bunny!
The Easter Bunny is on his way
brings eggs to hide away.
Hopping here, hopping there
he can hide them everywhere.
"Be so kind, my Bunny dear,
hide my eggs very near.
So I can find them right away
and be happy on Easter Day ".

5) Funny Easter
Easter bunnies
and Easter eggs
Fight funnies
from Long Legs
Easter is love,
peace and fun ...
Under 'n' above
the shinin ’sun
May this season
last for good ...
In every region
where it could
May this Easter
be so funny ...
With the glister
of Mr. Bunny !!!

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5 traditional poems to wish Happy Easter

Easter greeting cards are full of rhyming lines that we have heard at least once in our lives and that are almost certainly part of our childhood memories. We memorized them at school or read them with mom and dad at home. Below find a selection of 5 traditional poems that tell excerpts of Easter day and the joy that the resurrection of the Lord brings with it.

1) Easter bells by Gianni Rodari Festive Easter bells
that today you sing to glory,
oh voices near and far
that the risen Christ proclaim,
you tell us in calm voices:
“Brothers, love each other!
Hold out your hand to your brother,
open your arms to forgiveness;
on the day of the risen Christ
let each one rise better! "
And above the flowery land,
sing, oh sounding bells,
that life is beautiful, that life is good,
if it opens the door to love.

2) It's Easter!
It's Easter!
On the almond tree in bloom.
the April wind
whispers kindly
the first word of love.
It's Easter!
With garrulous cry,
lady of the air
the swallow varied
looking for the frond and the nest.
It's Easter!
Between white veils
of clouds, playing
translates to the world
the blue glaze of the skies.
It's Easter!
In the sublime hearts
with the risen Christ,
comfort is reborn
which exalts, helps, redeems.

3) Easter by Luisa Nason
The sun is very busy this morning
to awaken the flowers of the orchard and meadow.
Then he knocks at every nest on the little door:
- Come on, chirp quickly: it's a party this morning.
To the bells it gives the brightest ray
and pray: - Little sisters, call so many people!
Mommy swallow asks: - What's going on down there?
The children sing in chorus: - Jesus is risen!
Each child has a flower and a smile in his heart;
Happy Jesus takes them to Heaven.

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These last two Easter poems are very long, therefore not suitable for younger children. They are real author's songs which specifically tell of two special days for Christian Easter: Good Friday and Palm Sunday.

4) Good Friday by Fausto Maria Martini
Nothing, you believe, is sweeter for ours
eyes of this sunless day,
with the mountains veiled with violets
why spring does not show itself :::
Good Friday! And last night you
you sent back this dress, everything
gray, a dress as if in mourning
for the death of poor Jesus ...
You drew from your walnut box
some secular gray lace:
dressed like this, she will welcome the altar
the good lover with her hands on the cross ...
Pray for me, pray for you, for our love,
for our Christian tenderness,
for the house sick with sadness,
and for the dying gray Friday:
Good Friday, entered into agony,
it doesn't have its bell that weeps for it ...
like a beggar with nothing left,
resigned you die on the way ...
Pray, and remember in your prayer
all the things they will leave us:
also the olive branch that the other year
he gave us Spring for Easter.
How many times the blessed olive tree
he saw us dying in pleasure,
and saw our two souls, in black
dress, for us to pray at the head of the bed!
And we prayed, as if he died
someone: a little, always, we died:
But always on the new dawn, the branch
blessed the gentle lovers with olive trees!
Now with the new you will change it:
you also have to pray for mirrors
veiled, for books, for the old
clothes that you will no longer wear ...
It is evening: a faint laugh is lost
on your lips, while you kneel:
I look, behind the veil, at the eyes ...
two black pearls in a green net.

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5) Palm Sunday by Marino Moretti
Is it worth bowing your head?
And what is firmness worth?
I feel tiredness in me
on Sunday,
while my good mother
enters with a stealthy step
in my room and gives me
an olive branch ...
And if it goes. Everything
that she wants to tell me she says so
to this twig of his
which will adorn a frame:
will adorn the frame
golden at the head of the bed
the olive tree that is blessed,
the olive tree that blesses;
it will bring peace and abundance
in the sunniest houses,
it will brighten up the room a little
of the sick, without the sun,
will then remember with a lot
the solemn entrance is authentic
of Christ in Jerusalem
on Holy Sunday! ...
Olive tree, and what will you tell me?
The same things too?
if a word: never,
if two words: never again?
You give nothing to my heart
that consoles him for a moment,
and my trembling gaze
he sees only one color in you:
the sad color of everything
the world that is not alone
and weeps silently and wants
dress in mourning;
the color of boredom
and of the flowers of lie,
the color of mine
joyless youth;
the color of the past
who returns well dressed,
the color of infinity
and what was not;
the sad color of the hour
so slow to come down
from their numbers, the color
which is no longer color.

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