Water retention in the legs: the remedies to eliminate heaviness and swelling

Water retention in the legs and buttocks is one of the most unpleasant unsightly problems that affect the female gender. In reality, it is not just a question of aesthetics, but of health itself. In fact, water retention causes swelling and heaviness in the legs and can lead to the accumulation of liquid stagnation that leads to the much-hated cellulite. among the most effective methods there is a healthy and constant physical activity, even better if targeted for this problem. Here is a perfect example in the video below!

Water retention in the legs: what it is and what are the causes

Water retention is nothing more than the accumulation and stagnation of liquids in the spaces between one cell and another in our body, and its main causes are an imbalance between the venous and lymphatic systems and poor blood circulation. they are alterations in the functionality of these two systems, in fact, liquid stagnation can occur, which causes the following symptoms: swelling and edema - especially in the legs, thighs and buttocks - cellulite and skin blemishes.

The woman is particularly subject to it close to the menstrual cycle or precycle or in particular moments such as pregnancy and menopause, due to important hormonal changes. As Dr. Martina Pellegrini states, "The correct balance of female hormones is also essential for the regulation of fluids in the body. A woman who has ovulatory problems with an excess of estrogen in the face of very low levels of progesterone will be more prone to have water retention ".

There is also pill water retention, always caused by hormonal imbalances and not exactly optimal dosages which negatively affect hydration, retaining fluids and causing abdominal swelling and heaviness in the belly and legs in particular. of unhealthy life, insufficient hydration and a wrong diet, it is the hormonal conditions and the consequent imbalances that have the greatest effect on the presence of water retention and cellulite.

Once we understand what water retention is exactly and what are the causes and symptoms, let's try to understand what to do to fight it and what are the most effective remedies to prevent it.

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Do I suffer from water retention in the legs? Symptoms to understand it

A simple way to check if you actually have water retention in your legs is to press your thumb firmly on the front of your thigh for a couple of seconds. If after removing the finger the fingerprint remains clearly visible, we are most likely in the presence of water retention. Another rather visible sign, as we said before, is the presence of cellulite, especially on the thighs, generally the result of a sedentary lifestyle. , insufficient hydration and poor eating habits.

DIY anti-cellulite massage: here's how to do it!

An aid to combat swelling and heaviness is to carry out an anti-cellulite massage correctly. That's right, with the right creams and a correct execution of the massage you can get good results, even with DIY. Specifically, here are all the movements and gestures to be performed to create a perfect DIY anti-cellulite massage.

Leg and buttock water retention: the remedies to fight it

To prevent or eliminate the problem of water retention in the legs and buttocks - and the consequent one of cellulite - there are a series of precautions and healthy habits to follow that can help a lot. In addition to the most important recommendations, such as avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, doing constant movement, drinking plenty of water and eating healthy, there are in fact other behavioral rules that should be followed if you want to eliminate the danger of water retention, especially in the legs, thighs and buttocks. . Here they are below.

  • Cut back or, better yet, eliminate cigarettes
  • Avoid spending hours and hours standing or sitting without ever changing position
  • Sleep with your legs slightly elevated from the rest of your body. To help you, you can put a pillow under the mattress at your feet
  • No to too high heels. But no even to low-to-the-ground shoes (see ballet flats)
  • Be less sedentary and engage in regular physical activity: walk, run, swim or simply walk the dog

Eliminate water retention in the legs: the recommended diet to defeat it

The treatment of water retention is based on correcting the causes that gave rise to the disorder.
In addition to the advice listed above, it is also essential to correct some mistakes at the table. A diet high in waste (dietary fiber) increases intestinal motility and removes the danger of constipation, a disorder that hinders venous outflow in the abdominal area. A diet rich in fiber, detoxifying foods and low in carbohydrates is the first step to prevent the problem of water retention or to correct it, where it already exists.

It is therefore important to consume a lot of fruit and vegetables and in particular those rich in ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, which protects the blood capillaries. Green light therefore to citrus fruits, pineapple, kiwi, strawberries, cherries, lettuce, radicchio, spinach, broccoli, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers and potatoes, especially if new.

An excellent help to drain and deflate is a nice glass of water and lemon in the morning, a real panacea for intestinal line and regularity. You can also add a little ginger, in general an optimal food to lose weight and avoid bloating and heaviness. There are in fact many sweet and savory recipes based on this detox food, not so well known and unfortunately used, which are a real help. for those suffering from retention and cellulite.

Drinking water is the best way to correct or prevent the water retention problem. You should drink at least two liters a day, trying to avoid carbonated drinks and limiting excessively sweet or alcoholic drinks. The human body is made up of 90% water and when it is not sufficiently hydrated, as a "defense mechanism", it retains water that accumulates in the extracellular spaces causing swelling, especially in the extremities of the body.
To give drainage a boost, add a drainage supplement to your water bottle such as Drenax Forte.

© Pinterest

Healthy nutrition: the first step to avoid the problem of water retention

See also: Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

© iStock Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

Water retention in the legs: the most effective natural remedies

Natural remedies, such as supplements and herbal teas, are an excellent help against water retention and cellulite. Even homeopathic remedies that help drain and deflate legs, thighs and buttocks are undoubtedly assistants in the process of disposing of liquids and toxins. You can choose the type of supplement you prefer or herbal teas with a taste that suits you best: the important thing is that they have a decongestant and detoxifying effect. These are effective natural remedies that must however be combined with a balanced diet and correct habits. Remember that if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you can drink all the herbal teas you want, but the problem will still arise. -40 minutes.

The most suitable sports to combat water retention in the legs, thighs and buttocks

As we said, movement and physical activity play a fundamental role in the fight against water retention and cellulite. The best sports are undoubtedly those in water: swimming, water aerobics and any discipline that involves contact with water are in fact a real cure-all for draining and sculpting legs, thighs and buttocks, as they help to dispose faster and smooth the silhouette gently, strengthening the muscle but thinning it at the same time. Running and spinning are also two excellent sports to prevent and combat water retention in the legs, both being targeted exercises for the area of ​​the legs, thighs and buttocks that can help tone and enhance elasticity and muscle tone.

© Thinkstock

Pressotherapy and draining massages: a cure-all against water retention in the legs and buttocks

Massages and localized treatments are also a valid help to eliminate or prevent the problem of water retention in the legs, thighs and buttocks. Draining messages and pressotherapy are, for example, two effective and far from invasive methods. The ideal would be to make a cycle that is rather close in order to have an effect and act on the problem. The principle is the stimulation of blood circulation through a stimulating and draining compression massage that helps in the process of eliminating toxins and excess fluids. You can also opt for a do-it-yourself anti-cellulite message: simple and effective, if done carefully and combined with a healthy diet and constant physical activity, it can be a useful remedy to eliminate heaviness and swelling in the legs.
Also try to use a body brush, perfect for activating microcirculation and therefore reducing swelling, but also to eliminate dead cells and have a perfect and radiant skin.
You can also choose to combine this type of treatments - in addition of course to a healthy lifestyle and sport - with the use of effective anti-cellulite creams, even do-it-yourself, which, if used constantly, can lead to excellent results!
> See the best cellulite creams on Amazon.

For more useful information on water retention, you can visit the Humanitas website.

Tags:  Star Fashion Love-E-Psychology