How to grow tall using science and style

There are ways to look taller and they are also little known. When it comes to increasing height, we immediately think of heels, but there are other valid methods that help to lengthen the spine by making us gain up to 3 cm. Some style tips such as haircut and clothing also play an important role. Before we reveal everything, here is a video with a Pilates stretch exercise.

How to grow tall: here's what to do

Growth in height usually continues until around age 25, after which it stops and remains unchanged for life. Not satisfied with your height? Would you like to grow taller but don't know where to start? Keep in mind that one of the main moments in which growth hormone is produced by the body is while we sleep; it follows that one of the first exercises will be to get a lot of sleep if your goal is to get taller. But what else. Do?
Nutrition is another aspect that should not be underestimated: a healthy and balanced diet is good for the whole body, especially if you are able to prefer lean proteins such as chicken, turkey, fish and legumes, along with complex carbohydrates (whole grains and starchy vegetables As you develop muscle mass, your body will tend to increase in height so you may decide, at alternate periods, to increase the daily dose of protein.Don't do it yourself, consult a good nutritionist.

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Diseases affect growth

If you don't care properly when you feel unwell, growth may have slowed down. When you feel bad, the body focuses its energies on healing, at the expense of growth that can stop. Consult your doctor to find out which therapy is best based on the disease and do not worry because, once you are cured, you will come back. to grow. Sometimes some serious diseases debilitate the organism for a long time. As a result, growth is also slowed down, but with a little patience and some precautions (nutrition and sports) you can reach your height goal.

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How to grow tall using the scientific method

Magic potions, oriental herbs, and so on and so forth, are often advertised as miraculous for gaining inches in height. Nothing more false. Science is the only method (besides style) to lengthen the spine and to think, over a prolonged period of time, to increase up to 3 cm. Surgery involves an extremely long and painful operation during which the bones of the legs they are broken and stretched through the insertion of some discs. But are there any alternatives to this torture? Scientific studies state that it can be done through targeted exercises, supplements, hydration and spinal decompression. One of the secrets is in cartilage: it is true bones cannot grow, but cartilage (jelly-like substance found between one spinal disc and the other) can! These discs are flexible and vary in size throughout the day. in fact if we measured ourselves in the morning we would be higher than a few millimeters, if the same measurement took place in the evening. The reason is to be found in the fact that the vertebral discs absorb, during the day, the weight of the body and counteract gravity, therefore they tire and they are reduced.A good night's sleep will be enough to fully restore their function.

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Increase connective tissue

No pill on the market that will try to sell you as a miracle will be able to increase your stature and make you grow tall, but there is a supplement that can help you based on glucosamine sulfate, tested in Wales on a group of individuals. They were given 1500 mg of glucosamine sulfate, while another parallel group was given a supplement that did not enter anything and had only a placebo effect. At the end of the study, the people in the first group who had taken the real supplement, were higher than 1 or 2 millimeters. It would therefore seem that this product acts on the connective tissue, reducing the weight of the body and the gravity avoiding the physiological loss of millimeters until the evening. Before taking any type of supplement we invite you to contact your doctor.

Make sure you are always hydrated

Being dehydrated has a significant negative effect on the spine. If you do not drink enough, there will not be enough nourishment for the ligaments, tendons and vertebral discs which will then tend to compress and shrink, making the whole body suffer. we mentioned earlier, it is made of 80% water and if not well hydrated it reduces up to 50% of its thickness. So make sure you drink a lot of water a day, at least 2 liters, because, even if you would never have said it, if you don't drink you are shorter!

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Try spinal decompression

Spinal decompression is an effective method to prevent the spine from being the victim of the jolts due to weight and gravity. The decompression must be performed under strict medical supervision and by expert hands and consists in a few words, in the lightening of the vertebral discs which, being no longer so malleable, avoid the effects of gravity and the height is not reduced. Through cycles of compression and traction, the doctor will act on the disc, reducing its elastic potential.

Improve your posture

Today's lifestyle requires us to spend many hours sitting in front of the computer for work, so most people start suffering from kyphosis and lordosis. These postural problems affect the spine and therefore the height, but what can be done? Stretching is a valuable ally to lengthen tense muscles. Try these exercises.

  • Lie down and stretch both arms above your head, stretching them as far as possible. Stretch your legs at the same time as long as you can. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then rest.
  • Do the trunk twists on the ground. Lie on the floor, stretch your body, then raise your arms perpendicular to your chest. Bring your palms together, then slowly lower your arms about 45 degrees to the left to twist your torso. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, then turn your arms to the other side. Repeat the movement 5 times on each side.
  • Lie down, stretch your arms above your head and lift your hips off the floor. Lie down and

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  • stretch your arms above your head by joining the palms of your hands. Then, bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Using your feet and upper back, lift your hips off the floor and stretch your spine. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  • Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms and legs. Make your abdomen adhere to the floor, then stretch your arms and legs as far as possible. Slowly raise them by arching your back. Stay in this position for 10 seconds,

These exercises help to lengthen the spine by relieving the crushing of the vertebrae, repeat it consistently every day so as not to ruin the results achieved.
Even swimming, however, is not to be underestimated: it reduces body fat and decompresses the spine, favoring the increase in height. It is no coincidence that swimming is a great sport for children to do when they are developing.

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How to grow tall with some style secrets

All we will talk about now, are small tricks and optical effects that serve to slim the figure and make it immediately appear taller.

  • The haircut

Choose a haircut that is short on the sides and thick on the top of the head - it not only optically adds a few inches, but is able to make the face look slimmer.

  • The clothing

With clothing you must try to enhance your strengths such as a slim waist. For the man who does not stand out in height, it is better to prefer suspenders to the belt. Or what you can experiment with is to raise the waist of the pants or skirts to give the impression of longer legs.

  • The accessories

Finally, you can play with accessories: an example above all are shoes (elevator shoes) equipped with an internal heel that is invisible externally that immediately give 10cm.

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Growth is (also) a question of genetics

Your height also depends on genetics and therefore on how tall your parents are. If you suspect you are below average you can ask your doctor for a consultation. Being short does not mean being unhealthy or sick, on the contrary sometimes it is a physical characteristic that should not generate any kind of worry. A child may be shorter than another, but it does not necessarily mean that he becomes very tall and slender in the development phase. If you have already completed the maximum growth phase and you notice that everyone in the family is taller than you, it is legitimate to ask yourself a few questions. Talk to your doctor to find out if you have a disorder that prevents you from growing tall. Some conditions, such as hypothyroidism, could affect growth.
Your doctor may decide to prescribe growth hormone supplementation, which will help you overcome this block, but will not make you taller than your genetic makeup predicted.

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