Baby on the way? The expert's advice to let baby and four-legged friend live together

Let's see with Doctor Cinzia Stefanini, ethologist and re-educator of dog behavior, what is the best way for the meeting and coexistence between the two little ones to be safe, happy and serene.

Can a dog be prepared for the arrival of a newborn and if so, what should be done?
Not only can it be done, it must be done. First of all, we must distinguish the case in which the dog is sociable and without educational or behavioral problems or the one in which he has shown hostility towards people. In any case it is important to establish the right rules BEFORE the baby is born so that the dog does not suffer limitations or life changes in conjunction with the baby's arrival. Some of the basic rules are not to jump on him, not to play agitated and violent games. , do not take the games and / or food out of the hands of the owners.

Before proceeding to read this article, we recommend that you watch this video to understand how well it can be for your child to grow up with a pet.

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What should be done in the case of a sociable dog without educational and behavioral problems you mentioned earlier?
Often the dog is not familiar with the way children move or play. I would like to say that our dogs, not always but often, live and interact with adults. The dog categorizes the human as a being that stands on two legs, has an articulate movement, speaks, tends not to fall and keeps the arms close to the body. A newborn has none of these characteristics in the eyes of dogs. his wailing, lying down, not talking, not walking makes him an anomalous being and therefore can arouse curiosity, anxiety, predatoriness and even fear. In these cases it is useful to take the dog to see the children play in the park so that he begins to familiarize with their way of moving.

What should be done instead in the case of dogs that have shown hostility towards people?
You must necessarily contact an expert well before the arrival of the creature and follow step by step a path of re-education, so as to manage dog and child in maximum safety.

What can be done to ensure that the moment in which the baby is brought home is peaceful and peaceful?
It is advisable to plan the meeting in advance and plan it carefully, especially if the dog does not already have a great deal of experience with newborns. A good practice is to have them meet outdoors and then have them come into the house together. If this is not possible, the entrance must be managed calmly, it is important not to focus all on the baby immediately, and to give the dog the peace of mind knowing that he is also important. If you fear that the dog may become a little impetuous, it can be useful to manage him on a leash and make him approach the newcomer only when he is calm and under control.

Some say that one of the best ways to introduce the baby to the dog is by putting the baby on the ground without clothes and, under careful supervision, letting the dog smell and lick it. In your opinion is this a method that can work? Do you have others to suggest?
I would be very, very careful. Dogs often explore the unknown even by tasting it ... Dogs are still dogs and accidents are always possible, so it is more prudent to avoid. I honestly recommend less flooding methods ... It is certainly important to involve dogs in the daily routine: I recommend having the dog assist at feeding, bathing, changing the diaper. If the dog becomes too excited or intrigued we can manage this knowledge with gates or at the limit by putting him on a leash (in this case a bit of frustration could arise which should be managed). However, it is very important NOT to exclude the dog from the new daily routine.

We often hear about dog jealousy, for example when the owner strokes another dog, or when he gives attention to someone else. Do dogs actually suffer from jealousy?
We can call this emotion with other more or less ethological terms but in the end the "emotion that c" is behind it is the same.

How can you prevent the dog from being jealous of the baby who arrives at the house?
Giving him the feeling that he is not losing any of his prerogatives and without putting the two in "competition". For example, tell guests to dedicate a few minutes to the dog upon their arrival (perhaps until the week before birth they made the dog play the dog all evening and then, when the little human arrives, they ignore it); keep the same exits or maybe increasing them and making them more interesting (in order to make the dog relax).

What can you do if you find yourself in a complicated situation because you are not adequately prepared for the encounter between dog and child and the dog shows that he has problems with the new arrival?
Immediately contact a qualified behavioral expert and your treating veterinarian. If I can afford it, do it even if your dog does not exhibit manifestly hostile behavior and do it before birth (I tell my clients that the behavior expert should be called immediately after the gynecologist!). Sometimes a consultation is enough to avoid complicated situations.

What can be done if everything possible has been done so that the coexistence between dog and child is as peaceful as possible but the dog shows that he has problems with the newcomer?
The first answer is valid, you need to immediately hear from a qualified behavioral expert and the veterinarian and with their support begin the necessary path to bring things to serenity. There is always a solution.

Can you leave your dog and baby alone together or do you run a minimal risk so it is better not to do it?
Adult dogs and humans speak different languages, a dog and a newborn even more so I feel I can say that it is a situation in which it is better not to put yourself. I wouldn't even leave my super Labrador Scarlett with a newborn unsupervised. A bump, a paw given even to play is enough for the baby to have problems. So I would say, no, don't leave a dog alone with a baby.

Are the toys given to dogs important for the relationship they will have with newborns? For example, if you are used to toys in the shape of a child (like puppets), is it possible that when a real child arrives, he or she does not recognize the difference?
An example today, in the park a very large labrador dropped a little girl who was holding a soft toy because she was used to playing with these objects. Everything worked out for the best, but you have to be careful. When the child grows up it is very likely that he and the dog will become playmates, so it will be normal that the dog will steal some toys from the child and the child will try to steal the ball of the furry friend. In case the dog gives or has shown signs of excessive possessiveness it is important to consult an expert. In general I recommend quiet games that stimulate cognition and calm in the dog, for example olfactory games, sports but not in a competitive way and the so-called mental activation games in which the dog it must be activated in an innovative way to solve small problems and get a reward.I strongly advise against the games that agitate the dog, especially if he is not used to managing frustration or returning to homeostasis quickly.

This article was created in collaboration with DogDeliver, the subscription service that every month delivers a box full of surprises for your four-legged friend to your home.

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See also:
10 excellent reasons to choose a dog as a four-legged friend
How to save the house from the arrival of a puppy? Discover the golden rules to follow
10 reasons why (maybe) getting a dog is not for you

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