Calculate the astral chart

The astral chart corresponds to a very precise photograph of the sky chart on the day you were born.

To calculate your chart, you must therefore be aware of: exact date, time and place of birth (a person born in Milan and one born in Palermo, on the same day and at the same time, will not have the same theme: every astral chart it's unique).

What does an astral chart consist of?

An astral chart consists of:

  • the 12 signs of the zodiac;
  • the 8 planets of the solar system;
  • the moon;
  • the aspects or angles that they form between them;
  • the 12 houses.

It is by taking into account the interactions between these elements, analyzing and interpreting the chart of the sky, that the astrologer will be able to define your personality, your potential, your aptitudes for this or that profession, the important dates of your life and the stories of your life. "most important love.
To construct the astral chart, he will base himself on the position of the planets at the time of your birth with reference to the Ephemeris, works that are found in all sections of astrology of libraries specialized in esotericism and which give the position of the planets on any day, and on your astrological sign, which corresponds to the position of the sun in the zodiac at the time of your birth.

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The planets and the satellite Moon

  • The Moon corresponds to the imagination, creativity and soul of the person: for a woman it expresses the way in which she lives her femininity, for a man her hidden feminine side.
  • Mercury is a living and fast planet: it is a symbol of intelligence and vivacity of spirit.
  • Venus is the planet of love, beauty and aesthetics.
  • Jupiter is called the "great benefit" and represents the possibility, the opportunity, the money and the expansion.
  • Saturn is the slow planet: it acts over a long period of time and encourages to build, to put different structures into play.
  • Uranus is the innovative planet, which messes up and disturbs, and it is the king of scientific or other discoveries: it pushes to move forward.
  • Neptune is the planet of chimeras and illusion: it upsets our loves and often makes us make mistakes. It is above all a spiritual planet: it can give great impetus but is not very effective in concrete fields.

The astrological houses

All the calculations, now made much simpler by astrological software, allow the celestial vault to be divided into 12 sectors called “houses”. The houses correspond to the 12 privileged domains of your life, which are those that concern you most closely.

  • House I: your personality, your behavior. It is essential because it distinguishes your behavior and your way of acting in the course of existence.
  • House II: finances, investments.
  • House III: brothers, sisters, family and small trips.
  • House IV: the hearth, the house, how it feels inside.
  • House V: love and affection life (it is also the children's sector).
  • House VI: professional life.
  • House VII: Your relationships with others and with your spouse.
  • House VIII: the legacies and what remained unfinished in your past.
  • House IX: the spiritual life and long journeys.
  • House X: social success.
  • House XI: friends and supporters.
  • House XII: the trials of life and health.

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The astrologer will take into account the positions of the planets and will study in which house, or in which sector of life, the Moon was positioned on the day of your birth. This will provide him with a map of the sky that can clarify your personality and explain the meaning of your life on Earth.

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Calculate the astral chart