Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

The first meal of the day has always been considered important because we spend more than eight hours without food in our body. Then we usually start the work day or exercise, so we should have a good supply of extra energy if we are to get to the end of the day on the right foot. However, it is not the most important meal. Everything we eat throughout the day. it is vital and should always be with healthy and wholesome food.However, in the morning it is recommended to add more than just a cup of coffee to our body.

Are you one of those people who gets up and just takes a latte? Is your first meal of the day mid-morning? Do you usually have a bowl of cereal for breakfast and nothing else? If so, then these habits need to be improved. Today's society moves so fast that it has forgotten the importance of a good breakfast: in the morning we are so stressed that we are lazy to get up early to have a good meal. All of this has intensified because we have reduced the hours of sleep during the night and we try to lengthen the hours of rest in the morning.

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Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, basically because we spend many hours without eating. Starting with good food will make us less hungry at noon and so on until dinner. Thus, the first meal provides the energy needed to start the day with vitality, as well as promoting physical and intellectual performance, concentration and memory. It is necessary to have a full-bodied breakfast in the morning, to recharge the glucose reserves. which our organism needs to activate itself. Moreover, it is of fundamental importance especially in the case of children at school and university students.

What should be the ideal and healthy breakfast?

A complete and healthy breakfast should contain fruit, cereals, low-fat dairy products, bread (preferably wholemeal) and some vegetable fats, such as margarine or olive oil. In this sense, there have always been much controversy when it comes to incorporating foods such as bread, butter or margarine into our diet, especially if we are following a weight loss plan. However, the latest dietary guidelines place much more emphasis on bread and whole grains, for their contribution in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

As for the consumption of lipids, there is still the belief that all fats are bad, but our body needs some of them because they provide vitamin E and help in the absorption of other vitamins, such as D, K and "A. Vegetable fats such as" olive oil "are certainly more recommended.

Toast with avocado and egg

Egg and avocado toast is a delicious classic, as well as being very easy to make. This type of breakfast won't make you very hungry until noon, so you won't succumb to the temptation of an unhealthy snack before lunch. In addition, avocado is one of the foods that has the most vitamins to eat in the morning. Avocado contains healthy fats such as olive oil and is also rich in vitamin E. If you plan to start your morning with sports , for example, it is a way to give your body more energy.

Toast with tomato and oil

The breakfast of bread with olive oil and tomato is one of the most popular breakfasts in Mediterranean countries. It is a cheap and balanced breakfast to start the day. Extra virgin olive oil has many properties that help improve business. cardiovascular, so it is ideal to start the day and add it to our diet. Tomato is a vegetable that does not lag behind in benefits. It has almost 95% water and is sugar-free, so it is a great choice for breakfast. What you have to take into account in this and in the breakfast with toast and avocado is bread. The best thing is that it is made of whole wheat flour, with no oils or sugars.

Chia, blackberry, coconut, granola and orange pudding

The pudding is very easy to make, with both chia and oats. Both are very healthy and full of nutrients for breakfast. The ideal is to prepare it in a bowl and mix it with other fresh foods such as blackberries, coconut, granola or even oranges. These types of dishes have become very popular for breakfast. Depending on the season you can add one type of fruit or another. .

Cocoa and Maca smoothie

Cocoa, believe it or not, shouldn't be out of the diet. If you didn't know, pure cocoa is considered a superfood because it has more than 50 antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. As long as you eat it pure and without sugar there are no problems. A good way to do this is when it is mixed with other foods such as maca, a plant native to South America. If you have a lack of iron, maca is very good for raising the levels of this macroelement. It is widely consumed by sportsmen because it increases endurance and strength. It also increases libido and sexual desire. Since it tastes a bit bitter, it is best to combine it with cocoa, and thus be able to start consuming this superfood. A cocoa and maca smoothie is one of the best options to start the day and can be substituted. coffee.

How do you organize yourself for a good breakfast?

The important thing for a good and healthy breakfast is to get up on time in the morning. To do this, it is essential to go to bed early and get enough rest. If you prefer, leave what you want ready for the next day, or buy it the day before. so you know what to eat for breakfast in the morning.
If you get up in time you can also take a shower and enjoy a good breakfast full of energy and vitality. If you don't have a good breakfast it will be much more difficult to get through the day.

Losing weight with breakfast?

It seems logical to think that having breakfast helps to better distribute the caloric intake throughout the day and to avoid snacking between meals, so that you can better manage your weight. In addition, our body metabolizes sugars better in the morning. However, when it comes to claiming that breakfast promotes weight loss, there is still a lot of confusion among the different researches that have dealt with this topic.

The children's breakfast, even more important

According to a recent study on breakfast habits in Tulip children, in collaboration with the Spanish Foundation of Dietitians-Nutritionists (FEDN) and the Spanish Society of Social Pediatrics (SEPS), around 8% of European children over the age of 6 years old does not eat breakfast every day, which can negatively affect their physical and intellectual development. “It is prudent to encourage the habit of having breakfast, because it could be the key to the growth and nutritional education of children, so parents should pay particular attention to this moment. Ideally, they should always have breakfast in the company of a family member and take advantage of this time to incorporate foods with good nutritional quality such as fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products or foods that provide healthy fats such as olive oil or nuts », says nutritionist Giuseppe Russolillo of the FEDN.

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