Improve your fitness, see life with different eyes and it's good for your heart: 7 reasons to start running and be happy

I've always loved running, it's something you can do alone, only thanks to your will. You can go in any direction, run slow or fast, or against the wind if you feel like it, discover new places using only the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs - Jesse Owens

Let's face it, we always find excuses to avoid putting on your running shoes and start running. I don't have time, I'm tired, it's late, today is a "No" day. Instead, these are precisely the reasons that should give us the strength to go running immediately. Running not only helps keep us in shape but is good for the mood, it's an economical sport and helps fight stress. Don't you believe it? We give you 7 great reasons that will make you leave home immediately

1. Burn calories and improve your silhouette

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Age, gender, height and weight don't count in running! This is an "activity that everyone can do and at whatever level it is practiced, running allows you to burn about 1 Kcal per kg of body weight per kilometer. This means that a 70kg person running 5 kilometers consumes about 350 kcal. approximate, as there are several factors that influence calorie consumption (terrain, running speed, slope), but they are quite reliable.
And as you burn calories, legs, buttocks, abdomen and arms become more toned.

2. It is an inexpensive sport

Apart from the shoes, essential to avoid back problems (you can find excellent solutions perfect for you even from 60-100 €), the rest is easily found in our drawers. A tank top or t-shirt, socks and shorts and that's it. You don't need expensive equipment or gadgets, running in the open air is free and there are many free applications for iOS, Android or Windows perfect for measuring your route, speed, pace.

3. It's good for the heart

Running improves cardiac efficiency, fights hypertension and allows you to keep cholesterol under control.

4. Makes you make new friends

At the park, at the gym, on the beach ... The world is full of people who love running and once you start you will notice. You might find yourself running side by side, drinking from the same fountain, stretching together and who knows, what comes from what. It could be a "friendship or maybe something more!"

5. Helps fight insomnia

According to a study by the National Sleep Foundation, exercise promotes the restorative effect of sleep. In fact, from the analysis of the data collected on the participants, it emerged that those who practice any physical activity during the day, from swimming to running to yoga, sleep better and suffer less from insomnia.

6. Fights stress

How many times at the end of the day do we feel tired, angry, nervous, frustrated? Running helps us in this case too! Turn on your mp3 and start running, stride after stride you will kick out the anguish and stress. Plus, while you run, you produce endorphins, the hormones of happiness!

7. It broadens your horizons and makes you see life in a different way

While running you have time to reflect, think about facts and situations lived calmly and with new eyes. Anger slowly slips away and you are able to look at the facts or make decisions with new eyes.

Have we convinced you? Come and run with us? We look forward to seeing you on July 3rd at Orio Center for MusicRun a fantastic journey into the history of music! 5 km of pure fun, in which we will all be an active part of the party. Sign up now and start releasing endorphins!

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