Pimples alone: ​​prevention and remedies for summer acne

It is well known that getting a little sun is good not only for the spirit but also for the body and skin. While in the past, acne sufferers were advised to take sunlamps as a treatment for the disease, today experts seem to be contrary opinion: too much sun is not good for any type of skin. Exposure to the sun for a prolonged period of time, in fact, is not recommended as it can give rise to various problems and pathologies, including the so-called summer acne. Find out how to treat it and the remedies natural and not to get rid of them!

Pimples alone: ​​the positive effects of sunlight

The key to well-being is essentially one: moderation. Sunlight is also good for the body and mind, vitamin D is important for many vital processes in our body, such as the development of healthy bones. Sunlight has positive effects not only on our body, but it is proven to improve mood. Not surprisingly, the production of serotonin, also popular as "the" happiness hormone ", is influenced precisely by sunlight, al point that some studies have shown that a lack of light of this type can cause Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Sun pimples: what is summer acne?

As we said, sunlight must be controlled and protected, because excessive exposure to UV rays can cause, among other problems, a particular acne, that is the so-called summer acne. It is a "sunburn found for the first time on the island of Majorca, which is why it is also known as "Majorca acne". Discovered in 1972, it is a skin rash that causes the appearance of pimples after prolonged "exposure to the sun, generally on the chest and chest area. face. The pimples thus arisen, generally, appear two hours after the first exposure to the sun and, just as happens with common skin erythema, cause a slight itch. This type of acne is one of the aforementioned pathologies photodermatosis, or those pathologies characterized by sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.
Summer acne is particularly recognizable and is distinguished from the more common juvenile acne for the color and shape of the pustules. Furthermore, pimples appear only on certain areas of the body, more exposed to sunlight which is the primary cause of the disease: for this reason is also known as seasonal pathology.

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Summer acne makes its first appearance towards the end of spring, until it gets worse during the hottest months leading to summer; just like a seasonal disease, summer acne tends to disappear in early autumn when the weather becomes cooler.
In the case of summer acne, unlike what is recommended by small pimples on the face, the sea and the sun do not help to solve the problem. In fact, not only a "further exposure to the sun's rays would aggravate the situation, but also contact with the" sea ​​water could make it worse. In addition to this, other conditions to avoid are sweat and products for the body and face, such as some creams that contain chemicals that could trigger allergic reactions. People most prone to suffer from summer acne are both men and women between the ages of 20 and 40 and it is not necessary that they have suffered from acne before: it can occur on any type of skin. Not only acne-prone skin, but it is also very common in those with complexion very clear and sensitive skin.

Pimples alone: ​​which protection is best to use?

Those with acne-prone skin know that it is good to pay attention to sun products, and not, as they may contain oily substances or emulsifiers of chemical origin, which clog their pores and cause their skin to deteriorate, making it appear damaged or shiny. . Having good sun protection is essential for all skin types, especially for blemished and acne-prone skin, particularly prone to hyperpigmentation.The advice is to choose products intended for this type of skin, therefore clinically and dermatologically tested, able to give the skin the right protection without obstructing its pores or increasing its shine. Good for this purpose are light creams, which does not mean low protection, but that they are "non-comedogenic" products, ie they do not contain ingredients that can cause impurities.

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Pimples alone: ​​the remedies

Although someone has tried to prescribe oral therapies, these have proved to be ineffective over time. On the other hand, the application of antibacterial creams has shown a certain effectiveness. As you will have understood, the use of classic anti-acne ointments is not recommended, as they are photosensitizing creams and with sun exposure can only worsen summer acne. causing allergic reactions. Usually, pimples on their own, once their season is over, disappear without leaving any spots or scars - and this is the big difference with juvenile acne - but it is still necessary to consult a professional dermatologist, so as to receive the right prescriptions for the most suitable therapy for summer acne.

Pimples alone: ​​the necessary prevention

If left untreated, summer acne is a condition that can become chronic in some people. This is why there are several measures that act as prevention to avoid the appearance of annoying pimples by themselves, a problem that should not be underestimated. Some precautions are:

  • Do not overdo it with tight-fitting clothes: prefer loose clothes, you will allow the skin to breathe;
  • Drink plenty of water: the recommended amount is 2 liters;
  • Use air conditioning: cool the rooms you are in so you don't sweat too much;
  • Avoid the hottest hours of the day;
  • Limit sun exposure: shade is your friend, UV rays make summer acne worse;
  • Avoid oily creams and cosmetics - they clog pores.
  • Often refreshes the skin: through compresses or with simple rinses of cold water;
  • Avoid overly fatty and fried food - this diet does not help acne-prone skin.

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