Antioxidants, what are they?

Understanding the phenomenon

First point to understand about the antioxidation process: free radicals. Free radicals are molecules naturally produced by our cells during the normal functioning of the organism. It is the phenomenon of oxidation.

However, under the effect of external factors (UV rays, smoking, stress, pollution, poor diet, artificial lighting ...) the production increases. Excess free radicals can cause premature aging of cells and the development of some illnesses. Indeed, it is the same oxidation phenomenon of the apple that blackens in contact with the air or of the car that rusts with time. Likewise, the skin ages prematurely.

Oxidation is the cause of 4 out of 5 wrinkles. Four wrinkles, in addition to the loss of hyaluronic acid (a miraculous molecule that guarantees hydration, elasticity and tone to the skin) and guaranteed grayness.

See also

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The role of antioxidants

Antioxidants, each in their own way, help neutralize excess free radicals in the body. A good dose of antioxidants blocks the production of free radicals, to prevent premature cell aging and promote their natural regeneration process. But not only!

In fact, preventing free radicals from developing also means fighting against stress, preserving sight, defending oneself from pollution and also preventing the development of certain diseases, such as tumors, diabetes, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.


Antioxidation and detoxification are not the same. The antioxidation aims to block the production of free radicals. Detoxification aims to carefully eliminate the toxins that have accumulated in the body to purify the skin and body. A diet to be taken as a treatment once or twice a year after the excesses of the holidays or in early spring.

Where are?

Antioxidants are present in numerous foods that we consume regularly, even daily (very abundant in fruits and vegetables), but some fruits contain them in high concentrations. Among the antioxidants, grape polyphenols (fruit or red wine) are recognized as the most powerful in the plant world. Grapes are a detoxifying and draining food for all skin types. Rich in vitamins A, C and E, as well as selenium, it delays the appearance of the first wrinkles and keeps the skin shiny. This is how Caudalie imagined Polyphenol C15, a complete range which, thanks to the association of grape polyphenols and Vitamin C, blocks 100% of free radicals. The skin recovers, defends itself better, appears smoother and shinier.

© Caudalie Les Polyphénols de raisin, reconnus comme les plus puissants du monde végétal

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