Cardio training: everything you need to know to lose weight with cardiovascular training

Cardio training, short for cardiovascular training, is the number one workout for weight loss. His cardiovascular exercises are all carried out in aerobic mode, thus exploiting the energy that comes from breathing.

The results of cardio training, if done consistently, are truly amazing: in one hour you can burn even more than 600 calories. The fats, through a process called "lipolysis", dissolve thanks to the "oxygen taken in."

Before starting to train, however, always remember to do some stretching as in our video:

Cardio training: cardiovascular exercises ideal for weight loss

Cardio training consists of a circuit (a set of cardiovascular exercises) that require specific machinery and tools, and this is the reason why it is generally carried out in the gym, even if nothing prevents you from training even at home.
The main tools that are used are the treadmill, the exercise bike, the elliptical trainer and the rowing machine. The treadmill, or running carpet, allows you to vary your workout with different speeds and slopes, carrying out a fast walk or a real one. own race. Today in the gym there is mainly the non-magnetic, but motorized variant: the data of the already integrated heart rate monitor will appear on the display (see next paragraph).

Even the exercise bike can have different variants: with or without backrest (which requires greater effort and weight increase on the knees: for this reason it is not recommended for those who are very overweight). It can be set on different levels of difficulty or resistance, to depending on your goals.

The elliptical trainer, also known as a cross trainer, is made up of two moving platforms and two non-fixed handlebars which reproduce the effort made by the arms in running in the open air, thus training the lower and upper limbs. This tool involves more effort than a simple treadmill, and is therefore recommended for those who are not new to cardio fitness.

Finally, the rowing machine consists of dumbbells that are pushed back and forth simulating the action of rowing. It will therefore be suitable for training the upper body, from the arms to the pectorals, but also the lower part, especially if the gym has the rower with the footrests to push also with the legs. As already said for the elliptical, it is not a simple workout and not very suitable for beginners.

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Heart Rate Monitor: An indispensable tool for cardio training at home or in the gym

For cardio training it is recommended to have a heart rate monitor, a very useful tool for measuring heart rate and then checking the results obtained with the exercises.

The effects of cardiovascular exercises, in fact, depend on the number of heart beats per minute. The heart rate monitor should be applied to certain parts of the body (generally on the fingertips), even if it is often present on the same grips as the machines in the gym.

The heart rate monitor allows you to calculate the maximum heart rate (HRMax), beyond which it is better not to push the training: this value depends on various factors such as sex, weight and age. At that point, it should always be kept in percentages between 60 and 80% of the HRMax, without exceeding the limit to avoid too much stress on the heart.

If you keep to a percentage between 60 and 70% you will burn the sugars first and, after half an hour of cardio training, also the fats. Percentages between 70 and 80%, on the other hand, guarantee the strengthening of the system. cardiovascular.

Duration and frequency of cardio training: how many times a week and for how long

Both the duration and how often you do a cardio workout affect the results. Each cardiovascular exercise must have a minimum duration of twenty minutes for it to have an effect, and must not exceed one hour in order not to damage our body.

Frequency is also very important: training less than three times a week will bring poor results. The ideal would be to go to the gym between 3 and 5 times a week, depending on your goals. More than 5 times, however, can be counterproductive. Always ask a personal trainer who will be able to evaluate individual cases and needs. specifications.

Benefits of cardio training, useful for weight loss and more!

Cardio training has many benefits, also because it can be designed and customized according to everyone's needs and the physical goals they want to pursue.

First of all it is good for the heart and the cardiorespiratory system in general, by increasing the amount of oxygen that is released into our body. Circulation improves and tissues regenerate faster. Your body will be healthier as a whole: cardio, not surprisingly, is also recommended as a rehabilitation or physiotherapy therapy in specialized centers.

Not of secondary importance, cardio helps burn a lot of calories and attack fat stores: in other words, it helps you lose weight faster. Let's remember, though: you need to train for at least half an hour straight to start burning.

In addition to helping us slim, cardio firms and tones: legs, arms, thighs, buttocks and abdominals: the whole body will take on a more toned and firmer appearance. Cellulite will also tend to decrease in the points affected by training, for visible results in a short time.

Finally, a cardio workout helps the whole body to speed up its metabolism, making sure that fat is burned faster. Help yourself with nutrition and you will see what results!

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