Red seaweed: all the benefits for a younger and more elastic skin!

The red algae, rich in properties and benefits, has the gift of being a true marvel for our skin, first of all for the face, but also for the body. Among the most powerful and effective algae, this precious natural ingredient that grows along the rocky coasts of the Atlantic - from Europe to North America - develop a strong resilient capacity and great elasticity, by virtue of the particularly hostile environment in which it lives: it is able to relax when conditions are optimal and to flex when they are adverse, thus keeping their youthful form intact despite the passage of time and unfavorable circumstances. This elasticity, combined with the ability to keep its structure intact, makes it an ideal component of creams, of which it enhances the firming and lifting efficacy. Thanks to its high content of mineral salts and vitamins, in fact, it allows to tone and revitalize the skin. the epidermis, acting as a natural antioxidant and helping to keep it young and elastic. Its help therefore becomes particularly effective in the fight against the action of time and free radicals, as well as for the loss of muscle tone and elasticity. But the benefits of red algae do not end there. In fact, there are many benefits that this algae gives to our body, and here we try to list them all. Ready to take note?

1. It is a powerful anti-aging!

As we said, the "red algae has a powerful antioxidant action. Rich in trace elements and amino acids, this special algae with a revitalizing action is able to counteract free radicals, considered the main causes of skin aging." If it is true that the passage of time has inevitable consequences on the skin of our face, causing loss of tone and elasticity, it is equally true that the constant use of a good cream can do a lot. Specifically, it has been shown that only the 20% of the signs of age are inevitable; the good news is that the remaining 80% depends on us. This is why an effective anti-aging cream can become our best ally.Over the years, in fact, the skin loses firmness, the contours are less defined and wrinkles appear, it is therefore essential to rely on cosmetic help. In this sense, the action of the red algae can help us: it helps to nourish the collagen and elastin fibers - which naturally decrease with age - making the skin younger and more elastic. Blue Therapy Red cream Algae Uplift by Biotherm was designed precisely for this: with a fresh and velvety pink texture, this firming anti-aging cream with a lifting effect is suitable for all skin types and performs a "toning and revitalizing action, which increases the skin's appearance. "elasticity, compactness and to enhance its natural radiance, making it younger and healthier. With constant treatment, you can see a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin: the oval is redefined and the skin as lifted and firmed. And the result is definitely younger looking skin in every respect.

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2. Gives the skin more elasticity

It is precisely its high content of linolenic acid that most affects the elasticity of the skin, an aspect that should not be underestimated if you want to show off a smooth and even complexion and thus show a few years less. A compact and uniform skin, in fact, is less affected by passing. over the years and can thus more effectively counteract the appearance of wrinkles, imperfections and signs of aging.

3. Tones and revitalizes dry and dull skin

Although it is suitable for all skin types, red algae plays a fundamental role in the treatment of dry and dull skin, giving them a smooth and uniform appearance, thanks to its highly moisturizing action. tone need the right nutritional intake to regain elasticity and the right brightness; red algae, rich in vitamins and minerals, are right for them, guaranteeing rapid improvement and a healthier and brighter appearance.

4. Prevents impurities

In addition to the antioxidant and toning action, the red alga acts effectively against the onset of various impurities and imperfections. In fact, enjoying antibacterial properties, this special alga with a thousand properties allows the skin to be affected to a lesser extent by possible aggressions and inflammations, helping to give her a more beautiful appearance and a smoother and rosy complexion.

5. It has a strong moisturizing and protective action

Red algae also enjoy a powerful moisturizing and protective action, which not only guarantees the skin the right amount of water, but also allows it to protect itself from pollution and other external agents. The result will therefore be a velvety and soft skin, sufficiently hydrated and illuminated by a rosy complexion.

6. It is also useful for fighting eczema and psoriasis

Its highly protective action and its antibacterial properties also allow it to prevent and fight eczema and psoriasis. In fact, with the right hydration, the skin is able to protect itself more from external agents and to avoid inflammatory states more easily.

7. Also invigorates nails and hair

Red algae brings benefits not only to the skin, but also to the hair. That's right, this special algae is able to regulate the production of keratin, which is very important for keeping nails and hair in good condition. Its revitalizing and moisturizing action therefore guarantees the right nourishment to adequately protect them from any external agents and prevent them from weakening excessively, compromising their health.


8. It is an anti-cellulite and helps blood microcirculation

Its high content of minerals and trace elements makes it particularly effective in the fight against cellulite and skin blemishes. Its revitalizing power acts as a powerful activator of cellular metabolism, stimulating blood microcirculation and facilitating the slimming process of the legs and hips. For this reason, red algae are often used in thalassotherapy, thermal baths with antibiotic and bacteriostatic power, which allow the body to be remodeled, smoothing the skin and making it more compact and toned.

In collaboration with Biotherm

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