The 5 things you did the wrong way without knowing it

That's it! There are gestures that we do every day automatically, while it would be better to stop for a moment and think about it ...
Well, from tomorrow you will start noticing, because we are about to reveal to you which habits you would do better to think about changing!

Brush your teeth ... after meals

Most likely you thought it was a healthy habit, but if you brush your teeth immediately after meals you risk getting the opposite effect! Many people are bothered by the feeling of an unclean mouth, but we assure you that it is worth the wait. ..
What happens if you brush your teeth right away? Instead of removing food residues and bacteria, the toothbrush would make them get more into the teeth, going beyond the enamel and accelerating corrosion.
So, especially if you have consumed fizzy drinks (but we are convinced this is not your case, given how bad they are!), You should wait at least half an hour before brushing ...
your knight will wait!

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How to clean and sanitize the shower in a simple and natural way

Have lunch ... in front of the pc

Do you think that spending your lunch break in front of your computer is a "completely innocent habit? Not really ... if you keep to the line!
If you eat in front of the pc, you hardly notice that you have done it. That's why after half an hour your mouth is watering again. Eating a large salad does not justify you to devour the whole packet of cookies kindly offered by your colleague ... do you want to nullify the benefits of the diet in this way?
We give you a snack (healthy and light) in the middle of the afternoon, but not before!
We are sorry to inform you that the same goes for TV, another source of distraction, especially if the protagonists of your favorite fiction are Daniele Liotti or Alessandro Tersigni ...
Focus on your homemade schiscetta and dinner before getting lost in the magical world of Netflix. At the end of the meal you will feel much more satisfied and your figure will be grateful!

Take a shower ... only with bubble bath

Even if you don't want to admit it, we know you do too ...
In the shower you have left only shampoo and shower gel and you only use those for everything!
Every single part of your body deserves to have a dedicated product for its care ... and above all, do not neglect the most sensitive and delicate area: your underwear! For this area always use a specific product, use the intimate cleanser even in the shower. In short, do you really believe that using the bubble bath is the same thing? The pH and sensitivity of the intimate areas are completely different from those of the rest of the body and must be (strictly) respected.
If when you get back from work you immediately run into the shower, just make a very simple move: transfer the intimate cleanser into the shower and leave it there, in good company with the other soaps.This way you will avoid dangerous slips while trying to retrieve it from the bidet! Showering is the quickest way to do a thorough wash, so why neglect one of the most important and delicate areas of your body?

Eat fruit ... at the end of a meal

You know when the grandmother after appetizers, 2 first and 2 second courses brings to the table a basket full of fruit to "clean your mouth" before the dessert? While it won't be easy, decline the offer if you don't want digestion to last another two days!
Consuming fruit at the end of lunch or dinner is a very common "habit. Yet, this could be precisely the cause of a swollen belly so you always give up wearing your super tight dress.
Adding fruit sugars to the carbohydrates and proteins of the meal forces the digestive system to do double work in double the time. The fruit water, in fact, dilutes the gastric juices thus slowing down digestion.
An apple (and more!) A day is recommended ... but away from meals! Better to have fruit for breakfast or as a snack. Ah, gummy candies aren't worth it!

P.s. the only fruit that makes an exception is the pineapple, rightly known - thanks to the "bromelain" enzyme - as a fat burner.

Sitting ... with your legs crossed

It's a comfortable position and also gives a certain sex appeal, but it seems that having your legs crossed often has a (long) series of unpleasant consequences ...
By crossing the legs we strain different areas of the body, from the back and knees to the pelvic floor. Nerves and blood pressure would also be affected, or ... varicose veins on the way! What do you say, have we convinced you to change positions from time to time?
If after seeing Basic Instinct you are convinced that there is nothing sexier than crossing your legs, we give you permission - if you dare - to imitate the diabolical Sharon Stone, but only on special occasions ...
Under the desk, legs extended and, at most, feet crossed. And don't forget to get up every now and then! If you care about your posture (and silhouette), we recommend that you also try yoga, which relaxes both the nerves and the mind!

Tags:  Love-E-Psychology Properly Beauty